[OBSOLETE] Smart Alarm is here

Smart Alarm Version 2.2.1 is released!

###What’s new

  • Added option to disable entry delay in Stay mode.
  • Fixed an issue related to scheduling delayed actions.

I tested both entry and exit delays and they worked as expected. Please let me know if you see any issues.

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Thanks @geko! I’ll get it a shot.

@geko Thanks for including “disable entry delay in Stay mode”. I will not have to edit code with each new update now!
I finally installed your “VLC Thing” and paired it up with Smart Alarm as well. Awesome work!
Now to setup VLC on a few Raspberry Pi’s around the house.

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@geko: Getting an odd error when I change settings in the app: All descriptions change to the “Enable Silent mode if you wish to temporarily…” after changing a setting. For instance, when I go to change “Arm Away in these Modes,” I do so, and the description above that setting changes to the above, and for every other description.

Also, I am not able to save the settings - when I select “Done,” I get an unexpected error. Can’t figure it out.

Whoa! Never seen that happen. Try re-installing the app. Make sure you copy/paste the code cleanly into the IDE.

Have done that a few times now - completely removed the app from the IDE and started fresh, making sure to copy the code exactly (I only copy from the raw page). Screenshots attached. (Happens on all screens, and seems to copy a certain description). Also just tried rebooting the hub, and I still see the same thing, and still cannot install the new version.

Yeah, that’s messed up. Can you uncomment logging in TRACE() and PM the logs to me?

Also try to log out and force-kill the ST app.

Sure. Give me a moment - I’ll edit this post with the log. << Derp. I’ll PM you.

So the Exit Delay is working PERFECTLY for when I’m leaving. Love that I get a second notification when entrance zones are armed.

But I’m still having problems with the Entry Delay.

I’m going to try to do more testing tonight or tomorrow, but from my logs today:

2014-12-08 3:14:19.948 PM EST - Side door was opened
2014-12-08 3:14:20.410 PM EST - Smart Alarm sent BOTH to Den Siren

Again the odd thing is withing milli-seconds (literally) the program turns off the Siren:

2014-12-08 3:14:20.711 PM EST - Smart Alarm send OFF to Den Siren

I think tonight (if I get the time), I’ll completely uninstall the app and re-install from scratch and test it, but it doesn’t look like the Entry waited 60 seconds before setting off the alarm.

I did test the entry delay and it worked as expected. Try re-installing. Weird things happen in ST land. :frowning:

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I’ll give it a shot and let you know the results.

I have been using version 1.0.0 but it recently stopped working properly. When I attempted to reinstall it, I started getting unexpected error notifications and it would not allow me to install it. Now, I am trying to delete it so that I can install the new version but it will not give me the uninstall button. Any suggestions?

Thank you,

You’ll have to delete the app using IDE. Also, when you install, make sure you enable OAuth. It’s a common mistake.

@geko Any chance of adding pushbullet notifications? That would open up some options for use with tasker. Thanks for the awesome app.

@NoMoreClaymores you may be able to do this with IFTTT

You can but IFTTT is too slow for most purposes, it has 15 minute polling times. I want to activate a camera during a potential break in so it’s time sensitive.

@jjhtpc has an old github fork with push bullet added. See post #103.

You can have a smart outlet triggered by the Alarm; which will start the camera and you will be able to get a notification that the outlet is on and that the camera is running.

I should have been more clear. My camera is an old android phone, being used like a drop cam. It will always be on as a dashboard.

I looked at the fork and it seems to be using a custom Pushbullet device hadler. I cannot find this device anywhere.

Never mind. Found it.


Yeah @625alex pointed me to that custom device I got it installed and working as a device.

I’m just lacking the know-how to add the push bullet notification option to the smart alarm app.

I’ll buy a beer for the first person to get that function in and working! :smile: