[OBSOLETE] Rachio Manager

Rachio now has direct integration in both the Classic App and the new Connect App. You don’t need the 3rd party SmartApp anymore. However I would recommend you use the custom device handler in tonesto’s github repo vs. the stock. You will get a lot more functionality with the custom device handler.

Has anyone found a way to display a nice dashboard (e.g., using ActionTiles) or something else, which shows the Rachio schedule and whether watering delays were or will be in effect? Something akin to the top of the home tab in the mobile app perhaps?

I did indeed forget that step! Thank you!

How would I use the custom device handlers with the official integration? Do I have to disable the custom SmartApp to avoid duplicate devices showing up?

The custom SmartApp is an old version of the official integration. If I were you, I would delete it to avoid conflicts. You need to add the custom device handler by logging into https://account.smartthings.com and apply the appropriate device handler to your devices. Recommend creating both the zones and controller device handlers. Both are superior to the stock device handlers.

That’s not entirely true. They are the same app except this one uses your own api key.

My mistake - the code hasn’t been updated in 2 years vs. the release that Rachio had 2 weeks ago. Sorry didn’t mean to offend you, buddy :slight_smile: .

No offense taken at all… You could be right. Out of curiosity where did you see a Rachio release a couple weeks ago? Was there a GitHub commit?

Maybe this?

If you follow the related comments in that thread the new integration is needed for it to work in Connect but it’s a stripped down capability compared to your original integration.

With the new integration, I see devices for all my zones but no device for the controller itself. How do I get the controller to show up as a device so I can apply the custom device handler?

Interesting… I’m sure the new app version is severely limited compared to the groovy model

Yup, on and off for each zone and that’s it (each zone is a switch).

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It’s following the same model that all the new app version migrations have been. You can get the essentially the same functionality, but you have to create an automation & scene. The stock device handler changed with the migration - see attached pics.


Am I correct that the custom device handlers are not compatible with the new app? I can see everything fine in the Classic app and I can see some functionality for the controller device in the new app, but all the zones just throw an error saying the app can’t connect to the device.

Using custom device handler in both new & Classic app with no issue.

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Does the custom DTH indicate when the next run time will be for each zone (or even for any zone)? I can’t tell what “zoneStartDate” is supposed to represent:
(A) The actual next scheduled start time of a zone, taking into account any weather intelligence skips
(B) The next scheduled start time, irrespective of weather intelligence skips
© Something else…
I want to modify this to pull in (A), and ideally all of the upcoming runs and skips

@ tonesto7, I see now that the webhook events “WEATHER_INTELLIGENCE_EVENT” and “RAIN_DELAY_EVENT” are commented out from this code. That spooks me that there was some issue trying to account for those events. Was there a problem integrating those events, or was it just decided to not bother with them for some other reason?

I honestly don’t remember much of the logic in this app. Feel free to modify away and make it suit your needs.
Just keep in mind groovy will be going away soon.

It’s been awhile since I have messed with the API. I’m not 100% sure, but I believe those are part of the old API and not available anymore.

Thanks. I’m porting to Hubitat, where I assume groovy will remain, right?

The integration running on Hubitat is my code so it should be fine. I’m not sure what changes may have been made since I left.

Is there a post-Groovy integration for Rachio Gen 3 to SmartThings? I’m a little confused bc I see conversation about a new release / installation, but it still talks about custom DH’s, so I just want to make sure I understand correctly before proceeding.
I have a standalone Gen3, never connected to SmartThings yet.