[OBSOLETE] PlexPlus - Control Lighting with Plex Play Status

Hi @johnesc,

When you say you didn’t have much success with attempting to use the “Adjust the level and color of these bulbs” what issues were you seeing? If it’s an issue I can fix it…

Also have you used the standard core colours, or did you use custom colours? I could port in the full colour list from core…

For your random bulb issue, unfortunately this is an ST issue, I have reported an issue previously specific to hue (below) but depending on what you are using there are limitations either with how smartthings sends messages and also how zigbee passes messages between bulbs… but largely SmartThings is the issue here…

It’s one line of standard code to trigger all of the bulbs in this instance, the issue is how ST processes it and has got worse at about the time I posted the below: