i have updated all my DTH and some of my round and square switches work then drop out, and they are a bugger to repair if at all.
anyone else having issues with them dropping out ?
I personally do not have issues with my Xiaomi / Aqara buttons dropping their connection.
Please note that dropped connections are not related to the DTH at all.
It is very likely because of other mains-powered (plugged into the wall) Zigbee devices that act as ZigBee repeaters (similar to what WiFi extenders do for a WiFi network). Most ZigBee repeaters are not compatible with Xiaomi / Aqara devices. See my post from last month here for more details.
Other reasons for dropped connections are a weak ZigBee connection or interference from other non-ZigBee wireless devices (including some channels of 2.4GHz WiFi that overlap with certain ZigBee channels). Other ZigBee end-devices can recover from these issues by rejoining the ZigBee mesh when requested by the hub, but Xiaomi / Aqara devices are non-standard and do not comply with that rejoin request.
they all worked fine till the update, some have rejoined and are fine following the DTH update. there are all bedroom devices and have ikea bulbs in there so are on the list you mention
just repaired a button now. currently working
the other 2 buttons and motion sensors are still being a pain.
Firstly, if you are using WXKG03LM, you should be using the Aqara Wireless Smart Light Switch device handler (DTH), version 0.9.2 - can you please confirm you are using that DTH?
Second, if everything is working, you can check your events list in the Recently tab for the button in the SmartThings “classic” mobile app? You should see something similar to this:
HEllo, excuse me,. I am using:
Aqara Button - models WXKG11LM (original & new revision) / WXKG12LM
Device Handler for SmartThings - Firmware version 25.20 and newer ONLY
Version 1.4.2b
I change it to
Aqara Wireless Smart Light Switch models WXKG02LM / WXKG03LM (2016 & 2018 revisions)
Device Handler for SmartThings
Version 0.9.2
But on webcore dosnt detect hold and show 4 buttons.
Depending on which year revision, 2016 or 2018, the WXKG03LM only supports single press (button 1 in SmartThings), or single-press, hold, and double-click (buttons 1 or 2 in SmartThings).
Here is a chart to explain the features of the two revisions of WXKG03LM:
Model WXKG03LM (1-button) Function Chart
2016 revision
2018 revision
Single press
button 1 pushed
button 1 pushed
button 1 held
button 2 pushed
To find out if you have the 2016 or 2018 revision of WXKG03LM, please follow the instructions in this post, and please tell me what ZigBee Model ID you see for your button (lumi.sensor_86sw1lu or lumi.remote.b186acn01).
Also, did you check your events list in the Recently tab for the button in the SmartThings “classic” mobile app as I explained in my last reply? Do you see any “button 1 held” messages there?
I have got a couple of Aqara vibration sensors -DJT11LM. Am using DTH Version 0.91b from bspranger
I have successfully been able to pair the sensors with a V2 Hub.
However, I want to use them with the ADT Hub (that is on firmware version 20, as opposed to V2 hub which is on version 26). I have tried everything but cannot pair these sensors with this hub, except by using the catchall option. I used the catchall option and even entered the zigbee id (captured when it had paired with the v2 hub).
It seems to be working for the last couple of hours - however, I do not see the tile for changing sensitivity on the App. Am I doing anything wrong? Thanks.
I’m struggling with a recently arrived WXKG11LM which as far as I can tell is the original model. Once I (eventually) got it to pair it happily responded to a single click, double click, and a triple click. However it then decided that it had a battery level of -455% and didn’t really want to do anything after that. After more apparently successful pairing didn’t even give me the button pushes at all I noticed it claimed to have a battery voltage of something like 0.424V which I was somewhat dubious about, to say the least, but I changed the battery anyway. This has made no difference and just once did I manage to get it to respond to clicks briefly.
Looking at the live logging showed nothing happening with button presses until I turned on debugging. Now this is what I see:
HEllo I am using a aquara motion RTCGQ11LM motion detect is right but the LUX onbly refresh when motion is activated, I am using DH: Xiaomi Aqara Motion Sensor
Correct. The lux reading only comes when motion is detected because of the hardware.
There is no way to change this in the device handler, sorry.
Let’s break it down to each of your questions / issues:
I wrote a post explaining exactly how to find out the model and revision of an Aqara Button. Please have a look, here.
With the latest SmartThings Hub Firmware update for the v2 and v3 hubs, there were significant changes to the way some messages coming from ZigBee devices are formatted.
This required changes to all of the Xiaomi / Aqara button device handlers, which I have made. I don’t own every model / revision of the Aqara button, so I have to rely on users who are willing to share debug log messages, as you have (thank you!)
Xiaomi / Aqara devices send battery voltage reports in a completely non-standard way, and although the device handler code worked great for pulling out the correct data to use for battery level events in SmartThings, the changes in the latest Firmware Hub update has led to additional messages received by the device handler which are being misinterpreted as battery voltage reports.
For the original revision of the model WXKG11LM Aqara Button this is happening when the button is triple- or quadruple-clicked.
So that is why you are seeing battery level reports that are far out of bounds. The events for button presses will still work fine, so I find it strange that you’re reporting the button “didn’t really want to do anything after that.”
Since there are messages being misinterpreted as having battery voltage reports, changing the battery wouldn’t make a difference. The regular check-in battery reports, which start about 50-60 minutes after pairing and then happen every 50-60 minutes after that, will have reliable voltage values. Also, short-pressing the reset button should send a message that produces a correct voltage value. If you’re seeing a completely out-of-bounds value like 0.424V then that is a misinterpreted message.
I have already been working on an update to the Aqara Button device handler, which will include a fix to filter out any messages that don’t include battery voltage report data. But I need help from WXKG11LM original revision users to test the code.
For me to understand that debug message, I need context. I need to know what happened just before that message appeared. Was the button pressed? How many times? Was the reset button short-pressed?
I’m not sure what that means, but I can say that among the various Xiaomi / Aqara devices I do own, they all have a particular sequence of LED flashes when pairing or when the reset button is short-pressed.
If you’d like to get in on testing the new beta Aqara Button device handler code, please PM me.
Hey, got an issue with my temp/humidity sensor. Had it for 2 years, somehow got an alert saying battery level was down to 5%, yet in the app it showed 80. Bought a new battery, now the sensor shows online but will not report. Tried to update the handler from [a4refillpad : Xiaomi Temperature Humidity Sensor ] to [bspranger : Xiaomi Temperature Humidity Sensor ] which I think is the latest, correct me if not, but I cannot delete the old version. ST says in use by devices.
Need to get this back operational as I use it to control my dehumidifier, suggestions?
Basically that is what you see anytime the button is pressed (unless it is ignoring you - it does that from time to time). If you press the button once you usually get the debug message once (occasionally the switch will bounce and you’ll get two the same). My attempts at double clicking tend to display the same debug message twice (the payload is rather large but I can’t see any differences) though for all I know I may have got the timing wrong. I find live logging drops messages if they are too big or come too fast so all I can say about triple or quadruple clicks is that the same message comes more than once.
Here is a fresh set of live logs that show a fortuitous battery level event followed by attempts at single, double, triple and quadruple clicks. The range test button has not been pressed at any time since a three second reset.
I would have said something similar if I didn’t have a WXKG11LM. On most Aqara devices holding the reset button down will trigger some rapid flashing and then it will stop. On the WXKG11LM you will get approximately 45 flashes before it stops. It will often flash about a dozen or so times without any prompting whatsoever.
With the WXKG11LM you can get it to pair quite reliably by simply holding the ‘reset’ button for 3 seconds as the manual says and then releasing it (it starts flashing at that point). If you are patient and leave it alone it will pair in a while. Unfortunately that while is long enough to make you want to do a short press. That doesn’t seem to be any help. It likes being left alone.
What is curious is that a couple of times I did have the button/DTH briefly showing button presses but that phase quickly passed.
While I have been typing this the button seems to have got bored and has stopped flashing or sending messages when the button is pressed. It was doing that earlier until the battery event restored sanity.
Again, I don’t have any of the model WXKG11LM button, but based on what you’ve said here as well as some of the other “symptoms”, I am beginning to think you may have a faulty unit. Everything is pointing to the reset / range test button being “stuck” or possibly short-circuited. From your original post asking about it, I’m guessing you’ve only got one model WXKG11LM button, which means no others to compare behavior with?
I have been working with user @AnubizDK who has a model WXKG11LM button and those catchall messages do not match his log output that occurs when the button is pressed. For each single and double-click there is a read attr - raw: messages received, which is what the DTH uses to determine the type of click and then generate a button pushed event for the hub. For each triple / quadruple click there is a much shorter catchall messages received in addition to the read attr - raw: message.
The catchall messages in your log output match what happens with a short-press of the reset / range test button, which actually includes battery voltage data (highlighted in boldface):
Reverse the bytes A90B to 0BA9, convert to integer to get 2985 and divide by 1000 to get the voltage = 2.985 Volts. This matches the normal 50-60 minute check in message battery report voltage from your log output.
Hopefully @AnubizDK can confirm whether his WXKG11LM flashes about 45 times after pairing, but again, everything you have detailed seems to point to faulty hardware.