[OBSOLETE] Neo Coolcam Siren

You’re welcome

Ok I will give this a try. Again no way to change the volume ?

There are settings for chime volume and siren volume, but you can only change them manually.

I didn’t add a custom command for that because you wouldn’t be able to use it with the built-in SmartApps and it would cause the settings to become out of sync with the device’s actual volume level.

If you’re familiar with the custom SmartApps CoRE or WebCoRe then I’ll post the changes you can make to the DTH which will allow you to use that SmartApp to change the volume.

unfortunately I am not familiar with that. Thank you.

In the new Smartthings app, I see a standard or stock DTH. Can anyone confirm how the integration works with that one, for example if the pairing is ok, if we can use all the features, sounds? AFAIK a standard DTH run locally, and custom ones via cloud. A confirmation from the IDE, that the device runs locally now, will be much appreciated.

The inclusion should work fine with the new and classic mobile apps using the built-in and custom handler.

The built-in handler allows you to turn it on/off and possibly disable the LED and change the duration setting. That’s it…

The custom DTH works with both mobile apps and supports all the settings. It shows up as a dimmer and the sound #s are mapped to %s so if you set the level to 10% in SmartLighting it plays sound #1, 20% plays sound #2, etc.

It also supports using the device as a siren or siren/strobe. If you have the model with the blue LED then it also supports using it as just a strobe.

There’s a new version with a green LED which is still fully functional, but it’s a little clunky because NEO replaced the sound # I was using to activate just the LED so the strobe command plays that sound.

Once I have the new model I should be able to make it work a little better with both models.

If you’re OK with not having the chime feature, but you’d like to use the built-in handler then you should be able to use my handler to change the sound and then switch back to the built-in handler. If you do that then you should change the Siren Sound and Chime Sound settings because I believe my handler reverses the default behavior of the device and I’m not sure which sound setting the built-in handler uses.

You’re correct that no custom DTHs run locally and only some of the built-in handlers do.

I know at one point the built-in z-wave siren handler didn’t run locally, but that was a while ago.

I checked the built-in handle’s code and it says “runLocally: true” and “executeCommandsLocally: false” so I have no clue if it really runs locally and someone will probably need to disconnect the cable and see if it still works from one of the SmartApps that runs locally, like Smart Lighting.

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Thanks, I think I will stick with your DTH for now, I need different sounds, one for intrusion, and several others for smoke/gas sensors, door magnetic sensor, etc.

I’ve just purchased the “blue” model, but the model number on the siren box is NAS-AB02Z, while your handler is made based on NAS-AB02ZU, which on Amazon is actually the “green” model.
Anyway, on my “blue” model I cannot make the Strobe function work. Strobe starts the alarm too.
Any suggestion for me ?

I don’t see it showing up as a dimmer to use the chime. Can you help? Or could you post some examples of how to configure different use cases?

i am using the new app not the classic. In the classic app i see it works different. How can i do this in the new app. Looking for things like how to set a chime for a door.

The device doesn’t have a built-in strobe feature, it only has a setting that allows you to disable the strobe, but my device’s sound #9 doesn’t make any noise so I used that sound # to implement the strobe feature.

I’m still waiting for them to send me the latest version, but based on reports from other users they changed all the sounds and it no longer has a sound # that doesn’t make noise so there’s no way to use the device as a strobe.

The UI is different in the new mobile app and they haven’t published the documentation yet so getting things to work right is basically trial and error. It also seems like every time I get something working in the new mobile app they make a change that breaks it in a new way so I’m not messing with the UI until they publish that documentation.

That being said, except for testing the device, I doubt you need to use the UI to play the sounds so are you able to get the chime to work with the Smartapps?

You should be able to select the device as a dimmer in Smart Lighting and then set the dimmer level to 10, 20, 30, etc. to play the corresponding chime # (1, 2, 3, etc.).

If that’s not working then the device might not be using the correct handler so open it in the IDE and make sure it’s set to “NEO Coolcam Siren”.

Here is my setup. I am don’t see it as an option I’m the lighting group.

What SmartApp are you using?

I am not doing as part of a smartapp. Its just the stalk smarthtings functionality.

The primary capability is Alarm which has nothing to do with Switch Level (dimmer) and that’s most likely why it’s not included in the list of dimmers when using the default Automations functionality.

Until SmartThings releases the documentation for the new SmartApp there’s not much I can do about it so you need to use a SmartApp like Smart Lighting to trigger the chime.

Smart Lighting is a built-in SmartApp so to install it using the new mobile app, expand the left menu, tap SmartApps, tap + on the SmartApps screen, and choose Smart Lighting from the list of available SmartApps.

The rest should be self explanatory, but let me know if you run into any problems.

If that SmartApp doesn’t provide the functionality you need let me know because a modification can be made to the handler to make it appear in the list of dimmers, but you’ll lose some of the Alarm functionality.

Jim dandy, that was the piece of info i was missing. That replicates what the classic version does very well. Thank you.

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I’m using the DTH by kralaframboise and would like some help with changing the alarm sound within webcore if possible.

I currently have it working to set off as one preset siren and one preset chime. I’ve done by selecting my settings within SmartThings app. I go to my Siren Device --> Settings --> “Alarm Sound” = “#9” for the alarm sound. And then “Switch On Action” = “Play Sound #8” to set the chime. Then within webcore, if I want to set off the siren, I tell it, Siren Device -> “Strobe and Siren.” If I want to turn on the chime, I tell it, Siren Device -> “Turn on”.

This works, but I have to have the sounds all preset from within the app and can’t change it from these two sounds within a piston. Is there any way to do this or am I stuck with whatever 2 sounds I setup within the ST app?

You can use any SmartApp to play the chimes by selecting the device as a dimmer. (Dimmer levels 1% - 9% plays sounds 1-9, level 10% plays sound 1, level 20% plays 2, level 30% plays sound 3, etc.)