[OBSOLETE] Jasco/GE Z-Wave Plus On/Off Switch (14291) With Double-Tap and Associations



Let me go see which DTH I’m using on my back hallway. You can flip it - set the lamp and flip it back.

In a pinch the LED can be programmed at the switch:

Cycle LED light- The LED below the dimmer acts as a guide light or status indicator.How to cycle through options: Press up three times and down once quickly.

  1. LED is ON when the load is off (guide light in the dark) (default).
  2. LED is ON when the load is ON (indicates the dimmer is ON).
  3. LED is always OFF.
  4. LED is always ON (illuminates dimmer in the dark)

When you program this at the switch, you have to do it QUICK, like you need two fingers to do it - one on the top and one on the bottom, and need to immediately tap 3 times at the top then the bottom. In the time it would take your finger to move to the bottom if you use one finger it won’t work.

The light needs to also be off when you do this.


Just checked - the light I saw the ability to switch the behavior was using the default “Z-Wave Switch” DTH. My two 14291’s in my master bath were using the 14291 in this thread DTH and that attribute is not exposed.

Feature request??? :slight_smile:

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Well how about that, a stock DTH that can actually do something :slight_smile: Works for mine too (of course no double tap) but I’ll take a look and see what the code is doing on that one.


okay so then not I’m not crazy.
Another possibly stupid question - no way to change these variables via IDE?

Nope - just flip the DTH, edit the state in the app, save, then flip it back. It should stick unless the DTH you set it back to has that setting and defaults it to something else during its initialization - which I think we all agree it’s not there currently. :slight_smile:

@mwav3: the following model/version can be added to this DTH:

zw:L type:1001 mfr:0063 prod:4952 model:3135 ver:5.53 zwv:6.04 lib:03 cc:5E,25,85,59,86,72,55,5A,73,5B,6C,70,2C,2B,22,7A role:05 ff:8704 ui:8700

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I was able to update the DTH to set indicator status and invert switch in the new app. The setting is now under preferences instead of the tile, since the tiles aren’t in the new app. The update also supports double tap up and down button 1 and 2 in the new smartlighting app/webcore. Multiple buttons are not available in Automations. Per smartthings engineers, that will take an update to the mobile app itself at a future date. Once that update comes out I’ll try and update the code again.

Since Chris has moved on from Smarthings, I posted the code to my Github. It is published at mwav3 / smartthingscode / master or at this link https://github.com/mwav3/smartthingscode/blob/master/devicetypes/mwav3/ge-jasco-zwave-plus-on-off-switch.src/ge-jasco-zwave-plus-on-off-switch.groovy

Please note this code does not work with the newer switches that support double and triple tap. It is for the older Zwave Plus switches. It may support setting some features on the new switches but is not designed/tested for them.

Also note, this will work with the new smartthings app, which buys us some time for now when they phase out the classic up. Once the IDE and Groovy are sunset, I have no idea how everything will work and how the code will need to be updated. Of course I learn how to update these now just in time for everything to change :slight_smile:

Please let me know if there are any issues with the new code, it has been tested on my devices and so far so good. Thanks to @nathancu for pointing me to the DTH with the working code for the indicator light.

Related dimmer switch updated (that was a lot tougher) and available as well. I’ll also post under that topic.

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I will do some testing with the new versions of the switch/dimmer and get back to you.

Anything in particular you think would have an issue?

The on/off switch should be fine, there’s not a ton of changes and parameters on that one.

The trickiest issue I had was on the dimmer swith’s delay timing. As you change the steps and zwave delay, the amount of time needed for the switch to turn off changes. I think I got the timing calculation right, but improper status of the light after turning off might be the only thing I can think of.

Thanks for testing it and let me know if you find anything else. You can just post it here or open an issue in Github.

Tested the dimmer last night, no issues with basic turning on/off dimming.

I didn’t play with any of the additional parameters outside of the Double Tap group association and that worked.

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Thanks! That’s good to hear its working for you.

This DTH is working for me with double tap on/off, but I am unable to dim (up or down) with double tap. Does this DTH support dimming with double tap or just on/off? Thank you for the recent update!

Yes it definitely supports dimming. I would double check preferences and advanced settings. Try default values of 1 for zwave and manual steps and 3 for zwave and manual delay, then you can try changing then to something else. If that doesn’t work, I would go into the IDE verify your model number. You can paste the whole line into this post. Jasco made a lot of different switches and not all work with this DTH

Edit- There’s also two handlers, one for On/off switches only and one for dimmers. I would double checked you picked the right one.

Thank you mwav3. Double-tap dimming is now working for me. Unsure of why is was not working before.

On a separate note, is it possible to trigger an automation from the switch using a double-tap with this DTH? I have been poking around and it appears that it is, but I am unable to determine how.

Thank you, mwav3. I am not sure exactly what changed, but my GE dimmer switches are now dimming on double-tap.

On a separate note, is there a way to trigger automations on double-tap without using webCORE?

I only recently realized these switches can create a “double tap and hold” event- ie you double tap but keep the button held down. Other zwave switches in association group 3 will then dim up or down when you do that, whether you have this on/off 14291 or the dimmer. I also updated my handler for this switch to capture “held” events for buttons 1 and 2. I was thinking of capturing the “release” event as a separate button, since Smartapps currently only recognize “pushed” and “held” values. Would anyone use that release event? I would think that could be used in advanced webcore pistons but let me know if there is an interest. Right now the “release” is an unhandled event.

The pushed and held double taps can be captured in webcore, but for something simpler, also the smart lighting app. See my post here about using the smart lighting app -Device Handler for GE Dimmer Switches with Settings for All Options

Updated 14291 handler is here -https://github.com/mwav3/smartthingscode/blob/master/devicetypes/mwav3/ge-jasco-zwave-plus-on-off-switch.src/ge-jasco-zwave-plus-on-off-switch.groovy


Thank you for all of your work on these devices handlers. Still having an issue with this particular one where homebridge is not detecting the light switch as an actual switch.

I converted the devices with the issues to the “Z-Wave Generic Switch” and they function in homebridge correctly. Is there a way to compare the generic device handlers to yours to see what capability its not seeing?