[OBSOLETE] “Home on Code Unlock Too"

I have just dived in deep with ST, got my hub and ~20 things. I am researching lock options, and this looks like a very useful app - thanks for sharing!

It sounds like my desired use case is similar to others - I have a maid and a nanny that come to my home when we’re not here. I want to be able to track entry by user (which it looks like this does; tho I’ve yet to apply anything custom to my setup) BUT IDEALLY… I really want to create schedules where codes will be accepted or not.

For example, if my maid’s code is attempted to be used at 2AM, it isn’t going to accept it. Is this at all in the realm of possibility, and how should that inform my decision around lock options?



JoeG -

I guess it might be possible to add/delete codes on a schedule, but I’m not really interested in digging into that complexity. Maybe someone else will take on that challenge…

Greg -

Excellent suggestion - just updated with options for sendSMS, sendPush and sendNotificationEvent.

Also fixed the typo - thanks for the catch!



I would like to schedule codes too, or ideally revoke access, but I’m not equipped to add those features. Until someone does you can simply delete the identification of the maid/nanny user in this app and ensure you have “allow unspecified code id’s” off. This will still unlock the lock but won’t change your mode so any motion, sirens, notifications will still fire and you will know something is up.

Ah, I see. So the ID is being reported by the lock and is being acted upon by the ST app, but there is no working example of an ST app adding or deleting a code to a lock itself?

I think there is an app for Kwickset in the shared apps that does that. No idea if it works. I’m using a Schlage.

Duplicating the app worked, Barry. Thanks!

Biggest n00b question in the world probably… Where are the shared apps?

I think I’m having some trouble orienting locations for all the resources. I did stumble in to the IDE and was granted dev access. Is there somewhere I should be able to peruse published developer apps and their code? I think I’ve stumbled across published user apps in my phone, but frankly I found the method for locating and navigating these resources… curious.

Joe -

Yeah, getting started with the IDE is a bit of a challenge at first.

From the IDE, create a new SmartApp, filling out the required fields. Then, when you are in the editor with the starting code fragments that the IDE provides, click the Browse SmartApps text on the top right of the screen. From there, you can browse the Shared SmartApps from other developers, as well as the sources for most of the SamrtThings applications that you use.

What does the “Auto-Lock Unspecified Code IDs?” setting do?

Autolock will attempt to re-lock the lock immediately if the door is opened by a Code ID that you have not specified a Person Name/Identifier for.

On Schlage locks, this might actually be fast enough to keep someone out; on Kwikset, not so much. Consider it an experimental feature… :smiley:

Thanks, I’m using a Schlage Camelot. I’m not getting push notifications telling me which user unlocked the lock. Is that supposed to work with your app?

After you configure it with names to associate with the Schlage code IDs (1-30), you should get a Notification in your Hello, Home display.

You are the first person to inquire about getting a Push notification.

I just added both the option for a Push and an SMS (should default to just the Hello, Home log entry).

Also in the Shared Apps section of the Smart Apps IDE

Barry, thanks for your code, will this work with the Yale lock?

It SHOULD work with any Z-Wave lock that SmartThings supports. Note that some (Kwikset) are slow to report. My primary use is with a Schlage.

I have a couple Yale deadbolts (model B1L YRD110) and they work great with SmartThings, including this App.

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This is good news, I will be getting the Yale YRL-220 soon, will report back how it performs

i just installed this app for my Schlage Touchscreen deadbolt and noticed that when I arrive home and unlock the door, it changes to “home mode” like it’s supposed to. But when I lock the door from the inside, it changes to “away” mode. Am I using this app incorrectly? What settings do I need to change to fix this? I mainly want to use this app to get notifications on which user codes are being used to unlock the door.

The app currently assumes that it should only change modes if nobody is at home, so it expects you to be using some sort of presence sensors so it knows when not to run. The 3rd entry fields asks for those presence sensor IDs. I guess I just assumed that everyone would be using some sort of presence sensors, and that this was for people whom you didn’t want to register or give a sensor too.

It has proven problematic for me too, though. My housekeeper sometimes locks the door when she comes in, which (as you note) puts the house in away mode. In a normal autumn, not a big problem, But this year has been uncharacteristically cold, so not having the heat on while she is here is not ideal. Then again, I do want the house to return to Away when she locks the door as she leaves, and I can’t figure any other way around this other than a “virtual presence sensor”, which is what I’ve been trying to avoid.

For now, I tell her not to lock the door until she leaves…

I’m open for suggestions - got any ideas how to make this work better for you?


I’m in the same boat as Bolisario, I only wanted to see who was using the keypad. I dont use presence sensors.