Hi, really like this app is works really well and have the app setup to reduce heating when the whole family has left and not just me. Is there any way the holiday mode data from Hive can be bought into SmartThings. There are a few items in my house that if I am on holiday I want to turn off and it would be great if I could set holiday mode in either ST or Hive and it would replicate across
Something like, holiday mode active in Hive and we can set that to trigger a routine change in ST to ‘Holiday’ and it will change back to just ‘away’ when holiday mode is switched off
A comment in the older v2.6 thread went along the lines…
“I connected the bulb directly to my ST Hub and assigned it your DTH, and it worked perfectly. I no longer needed my Hive hub switched on”
Can someone confirm that these bulbs can connect directly and not needing to go through the Hive hub>api>st cloud>smartapp etc.?
As lighting is run locally.
Yeah they work fine direct with ST I’ve got 2
Hi Steve. Are your bulbs still working? Mine stopped working after the firmware update this week. What device handler are you using?
Yeah mine are still ok i had one in this morning.
I’m not using the device handler on here though i selected one of the preset ones “ZigBee White Color Temperature Bulb” as i preferred the interface.
I have the standard give dimmable bulbs not the other kind is that what you have?
Forget all that I’ve just realised my hive bulbs aren’t in my lamps they are the IKEA ones.
I’ve not tried my hive ones as they are in the main light and people keep turning the switch off at the wall to can’t try from work.
Have you tried resetting them?
Yes, tried everything. In fact it’s not just my Hive lights, my Hive motion and contact sensors have also stopped working.
There are no built-in device handlers for any of the Hive devices so I’m using the following:
Hive Motion Sensor - using the “Orvibo Motion Sensor” device handler written by Chris Kitch
Hive Contact Sensor - using the “Hive Contact Sensor” device handler written by Simon Green
Hive Active Light - I’ve now deleted these but I think they were using the “Zigbee Dimmer” device handler.
All of the above stopped working at 8pm on Tuesday this week. I’ve checked my hub and I’ve not received the latest firmware update yet (I have 19.20) so it’s not that but I suspect they’ve changed something on their servers to prepare for the firmware update we’re all getting sometime today or tomorrow (20.17).
My Hive Active Plugs are still working, and they’re using the "Zigbee Switch” device handler.
That’s not sounding too good hope they’re not planning on blocking them from working.
I only have the Hive bulbs and thermostat and I’ve just checked SmartThings and my thermostats still working and reporting with SmartThings ok but it can’t check the bulbs until i get home as like i say they always get turned off at the switch
Just checked my bulbs they’re working fine so seems like a issue your side.
I was wondering if someone can help. I have installed the Hive Connect 3.0 smartapp and all of the device handlers in the IDE. However, when I login, it detects all of my Hive devices but I get an error when trying to add them in. See screenshots. I would add them in directly linked to the ST hub but I am waiting for Hive support to update the firmware on some of the bulbs before adding them to the ST hub.
Grateful for any help!
Hmm ok! Which device handler are you using for your Hive lights? You mentioned “ZigBee White Color Temperature Bulb” earlier but is that what you’re using for your Ikea lights?
Any chance to have a look at the automation bugs?
Just checked I’m using
ZLL White Color Temperature Bulb
For the hive bulbs
Thanks Steve. I’ve just deleted all my failed Hive devices and added them again using the same device handlers as before and they’re all now working again.
That’s good they must have been excluded some how.
Are the motion sensors and contact sensors any good ?
Don’t suppose the motion sensors capture illuminance? I normally just buy be the Xiaomi ones but they do tend to drop off now and again
They seem to work well but I’m not sure about the Motion sensors capturing luminance, how can I tell?
We have 6 of the contact sensors on my doors and windows and they seem to work well. To keep an eye on reliability they’re set to ring a bell on the Sonos speakers when they’re opened and closed while we’re at home and they always ring the bell.
We only have one of the motion sensors which is used in the hall to switch the hall light on at night for 1 minute, which also seems to work reliably.
The rest of our motion sensors are Blink cameras and the only integration now possible with these is using IFTTT so these are set to arm and disarm when we arm and disarm SmartThings, but they can’t trigger any SmartThings actions when motion is detected so they alert us via their own Blink app and send a recording of the cause of motion to the cloud.
All in all it works very well, until SmartThings break stuff with untested updates etc, ie. late last year I had things getting triggered in home mode when they should only trigger in away mode, etc. No cause was ever communicated by support but there were many people on here reporting the same issue which disappeared as randomly as it appeared.
If it does support lux the Dev would have probably put it in the device handler showing the level so I’m guessing it doesn’t as you would have probably seen it.
I do like the look of them blinks but seen quite pricey for what they are and not keen on yet another hub lol
I want to get outside Poe cameras set up first then will look at them.
Have you seen the cameras Hive are selling?
I’ve only seen the advert but they’re not getting the best reviews
First post here !!. Long time Hive user considering getting SmartThings. I see you have Hive Motion & Contact sensors operating. Are these the v2 versions released last year ? if so, then my setup should work too. Really hope they do work with ST - please confirm. Thank you.
Ah, in that case they definitely don’t support lux lol.
Yes I’ve seen the Hive cameras but I’m pretty happy with Blink as I’m only really interested in capturing a short video when motion is detected which the Blinks do very well. I may look at the external Blinks when we move house (we’re cirrently in a flat).
I’m really looking forward to this:
I used to be a AlertMe customer and their home security system was great, but they went into smart energy, invented Hive, closed down AlertMe, and gave us all a free Hive starter kit as compensation. So I’m rather excited to see Hive going into proper home security. SmartThings is great but it’s not reliable enough for long term home security, based on my recent experiences anyway. AlertMe was rock solid so I’m hoping Hive will continue ther reputation. However until this new Hive 360 hub and the intoduction of “Home” “Away” and “Night” modes rather than these stilly actions you have to remember to turn on and off every time you leave or return home Hive is certainly not as Smart as SmartThings.
Hi Mark,
Yes I bought them end of October last year so I believe they’re V2. You probably know but they’re not natively supported by SmartThings so you need to install third party device handlers on the SmartThings IDE but it’s very straightforward. I’m using the device handlers written by Simon Green:
Have fun and let me know how you get on