[OBSOLETE] Heatmiser Neostat Integration

Hi Graeme, I have the same problem as the one you mentioned. Did you resolve it?

Does the NodeMCU webpage work and does it report any connection issues with the NeoHub? Can you run the following command in a browser and get a response?


Hi Charles, thanks for the reply. Have run that command and get the following:

{“Neohub connection failed” : “Maybe try again”}

Settings are as follow:


I was previously on a BT Hub which failed, so have just replaced it. Both smartthings and Neohub got allocated different IP addresses. Prior to this everything worked a treat.

Heatmiser have added a new API which isnt fully supported yet (it only works on iOS and functions quite differently) but perhaps that is enabled in the app and it has disabled the legacy API? You should be able to see in settings on the Heatmiser app whether the legacy API is disabled. (it automatically disables after a period of inactivity now, so if you have changed router perhaps it timed out).

Thats fixed it Charles. Many Thanks.

Hi there, could you please publish the code of the NodeMCU. The ST community can then create an Edge driver.

Many Thanks Tim

Now published to my GitHub page

Has anyone been able to look at edge development for heatmiser ?

Just wandering if any community developer would look at this to see if its possible to create edge driver

If any Heatmiser users are interested in an edge version of the app it would be good to hear from you

@TAustin has kindly taken a look at the feasibility of creating an integration but it would require a significant investment in his time, if there are enough users interested then it might be worth Tod looking more closely at the project


Hi @fido and @TAustin, I have a large investment in heatmiser thermostats, so would be interested in collaborating.

Cheers Tim

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For those interested, I also would like to know if you were already using the old Groovy driver for these devices. It looks like that required you to install a node binary onto your device that would actually communicate with SmartThings. My intention would be that the Edge driver would continue to require that piece, but I’d replace the Groovy smartapp and device driver with an Edge driver, if possible.

Surely just buy a hubitat, or some other SH platform, and import from that via cloud. It’s undoubtedly cheaper if you value your time, and you’ll see the benefits of local automation at the same time

Oh hey! Glad you’re here. Can you explain to me why you needed the nodeMCU device as a bridge? I’m looking at this and thinking - why couldn’t the Edge driver communicate directly with the NeoHub?

Since Edge drivers are now running locally and have full access to LAN communications, I thought the bridge could be eliminated. I just need to understand the API to the hub, which looks to be just simple http endpoints.

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Depending on what comms is possible using an edge driver you could try to eliminate the nodemcu, however it wasn’t possible to communicate using the port/protocol combo with the old Groovy setup, so the nodemcu just mirrored the comms to a more standard http/port. Also the messages were split into 256 byte chunks from memory and sometimes they seemed to arrive slightly it of sequence, especially if two requests were made at the same time, so it did some sequencing.

Ok thanks for the reply. Sounds like I need to sign up to the Neohub developer portal to get at the interface documentation. Is that what you used when you developed your Groovy driver and bridge?

I can send you the pdf if you want, it doesn’t say much other than a good function summary. But between the old device handler and the code in my GitHub (nodemcu if there too) you should have everything

I was using the old groovy driver, and would be very interested in an edge replacement.

Happy to help with any testing or anything you need, thanks for taking a look at this.

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Hi @TAustin. I am a customer of @cjcharles groovy driver and associated NodeMCU device.

My understanding is that Heatmiser have introduced a new API since CJ wrote the Groovy DTH.
This new API should eliminate the need for the intermediate device.

Hope this helps.

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Hi @cjcharles, have you thought about coming back into the SmartThings community?
The edge driver technology is starting to mature now and it won’t take you long to get up to speed with Lua.

Come on