[OBSOLETE] Heatmiser Neostat Integration

I’ve got everything I could want on hubitat, and I’ve had less problems or things breaking in the last two years, than I would have in a week of ST. There are a lot of good developers there now, and I see it as a very accessible and reliable version of HomeAssisstant.

I still think it’s easier to add another smart home platform than build a new driver, and you gain millions of other advantages, But good luck!

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To those who are ready, willing, and able to be testers as I attempt to develop an Edge driver, I’m going to start a private topic, since there will be a lot of back and forth on this, with posted logs and such.

Be aware that you have to have the SmartThings CLI installed and operational so that you can run driver logs for me. Keep in mind I don’t have these devices, so will be 100% dependent on volunteers to test and post logs for me as I develop out the driver.

The initial focus will be on thermostat devices. We’ll see about adding other types later on.

I’m also going to initially focus on the new websocket interface to the neohub, which as I understand will require “second generation” hubs. If you have an older hub, don’t despair, I will get to that eventually, but it is a completely different interface and protocol, so will require additional work.

To further set expectations, this will be an incremental and iterative process. It will be baby steps at first: proving out the communications interface to the hub, implementing auto-discovery, and trying out various commands and responses. Please don’t expect a fully-
functional driver for some time. I’ll have a better sense of duration once we get passed this initial interface testing.

If I haven’t put you off, I welcome your help. I’ll invite those who expressed interest to the private topic and will occasionally update everyone else here as things progress.


Hi, great. Please add me to the testers, I’ll see if I’m able to contribute. If you’re able to develop a solution without the nodeJS bit it’d be optimal. Thanks

Please see the new topic dedicated to a new SmartThings driver in support of heatmiser system, which is now available in beta-level Edge driver.

Hey there, somehow I missed your post. Thank you for volunteering! The driver is available now to test. See above.