[OBSOLETE] Foscam Motion Sensor Device Handler

Here is a lightweight device handler for creating a motion sensor for a Foscam camera.

preferences {
    input("username",	"text",     title: "Username",   	description: "Your Foscam username",			displayDuringSetup: true,	required: true)
    input("password",	"password", title: "Password",   	description: "Your Foscam password",			displayDuringSetup: true,	required: true)
    input("ip",			"text",     title: "IP Address",	description: "The IP address of your Foscam",	displayDuringSetup: true,	required: true)
    input("port",		"text",     title: "Port",       	description: "The port of your Foscam",			displayDuringSetup: true,	required: true)

metadata {
    definition (name: "Foscam Motion Sensor", namespace: "sw3103", author: "Steve Williams") {
        capability "Motion Sensor"

    tiles(scale: 2) {
		multiAttributeTile(name:"motion", type: "generic", width: 6, height: 4){
			tileAttribute ("device.motion", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
				attributeState "active", label:'motion', icon:"st.motion.motion.active", backgroundColor:"#53a7c0"
				attributeState "inactive", label:'no motion', icon:"st.motion.motion.inactive", backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
		standardTile("refresh", "device.refresh", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
			state "default", action:"refresh.refresh", icon:"st.secondary.refresh"

		details(["motion", "refresh"])

def updated() {
	//log.debug "updated()"
    runIn(5, refresh)

def installed() {
	//log.debug "installed()"
    runIn(5, refresh)

def refresh() {
	//log.debug "refresh()"
    def httpRequest = [
        path: "/cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=getDevState&usr=$username&pwd=$password",
        method: "GET",
        headers: [
            HOST: "$ip:$port"
    //log.debug httpRequest
    def hubAction = new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(httpRequest, null, [callback: parse])
    runIn(5, refresh)

def parse(response) {
    //log.debug response
    //log.debug "status: ${response.status}, headers: ${response.headers}, body: ${response.body}"
    if (response.status == 200) {
        def cgiResult =  (new XmlSlurper().parseText(response.body))
        log.info "humanDetectAlarmState = ${cgiResult.humanDetectAlarmState}"
        log.info "motionDetectAlarm = ${cgiResult.motionDetectAlarm}"
        if ((cgiResult.motionDetectAlarm == "2") | (cgiResult.humanDetectAlarmState == "2")) {
            sendEvent(name:"motion", value:"active")
        else {
        	sendEvent(name:"motion", value:"inactive")
    else {
    	log.error "Request failed."

This will poll the camera every five seconds and trigger if there is motion (or human on later models) detection.

This is my first device handler so please feel free to suggest any improvements.

Hi Steve. I am a newbie, have smart things V3 hub, as well as a Foscam G4P WiFi camera. I’d like to use the smart things app to see the foscam camera. Do you know if this is possible and how I would go about setting this up? I’m guessing the code above uses Webcore…which I’m just learing about. I"m not sure how to install Webcore as a smart app or if it is still available after Samsung made their updates to the app.

This will only offer a motion sensor. There are heavier weight device handlers on here that offer a lot more, but too bloated and expensive for my requirements.

This doesn’t use webCoRE.

Can you make these lightweight device handlers for other brands also like eufy?

Try this