thanks. that’s enough for me.
Would the RC8021 work with this or the Icamera ?
Question: Next to the camera name under things, there is that button, on/off. What does that do? it’s currently off and everytime i click it, it spins and does nothing. I cannot turn it on. Does it have something to do with motion detection on/off ?
Trying to get that to work and no luck. It’s currently turned on in the camera itself and I can get an live video working in the app (sometimes the screen is green) but that works.
Any thoughts?
I am getting this:
6c7aa44e-cf94-4fd5-979a-0f9986d5f158 1:59:38 PM: trace Got IPAddress=null for
6c7aa44e-cf94-4fd5-979a-0f9986d5f158 1:59:38 PM: warn Unable to convert hostname to IP Address, Error: org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException: Connect to [] failed: connect timed out
“” is just a test url, seems that we depend on a service that is down.
That’s correct. The service we are using the lock to translate DNS to IP is no longer working. Will patch it up in the next release
I have two focams and I have set them up identical. One works great as motion sensor the other does not even alarm the motion. I was not sure if I needed to but I have set them idential from their focam webinterface. Am I missing something. Is there a step by step configuration guide.
Did you select both cameras in the Foscam Motion Alarm Monitor app? You
need to have all your Foscam cameras selected in the SmartApp or it won’t
work for the unselected cameras
That part is little confusing to me. Do I have to select both of them at the same time. That is how I did it orginially. But I though maybe when I do that it would require motion from both cameras before it raises the alarm. So I made two cases and select one camera at a time.
As mentioned in the FAQ’s without the Motion Alarm Monitor the camera
cannot send the alarm signal to ST. So if a camera is not selected it won’t
send a motion alarm signal. Everything else is independent of this feature.
Yes that part I have understood. But when setting up motion alarm monitor. I can select both cams or select one cam and then set up andother motion alarm monitor with the 2nd cam. Which way is the right way?
I guess we need this because the SmartThings platforms does not provide a native method to translate DNS to IP?
Why, does the device handler needs to know the actual IP?
That only way to communicate for the platform.
One SmartApp, you can select both/as many cameras from it to activate motion alarms. As for triggering it will be if any are triggered, the configured actions will be executed.
If that’s the case, then not having a way to translate DNS to IP in a native seems like an oversight. Any change this can be filed as a “bug” or “request” for the platform?
It’s been mentioned a couple of times to ST but feel free to send in another request. There are many such missing feature requests which we have put in.
Is there a central place where we can track this kind of requests?
I would like to have a little more visibility into this kind of issues.
###Foscam Camera Universal Device Handler - version 3.3.3
- Fixed issue with DNS which disrupted communication for users using a public DNS name
###Foscam Motion Alarm Monitor SmartApp - version 2.7.0
- < no change >
Thanks to Hughes for reporting it and suggesting an alternative service (google DNS)
Thanks for speedy response and assistance. For the configuration do I need to configure anything using the web interface of the foscam cameras. Things like motion alarm area etc. Are these important or is everything overritten by the smartthings app.
The app overwrites most settings. Only need to configure your email server
on the web interface if you want email notifications from the camera.
This is what I see on my screen. Can you please tell me if I am correct Reading the screen
The button with the light bulbs are for the light status of the camera they can be Auto/OFF/ON
I am not sure what the refresh button does.
The camera button switchs between On and … when I click on it.
I also sometimes manage to have a sound alarm by clicking the camera button.
One last thing. My camera is foscam C1. I have set the ip address and port correctly (same one I would use from a browser and I can reach them from browser) I have set up rtsp port as 554.
On both of my cameras I can not connect and see the video feed (I am connecting through lan)
Thanks for your help.