I have the same issue. Tried everything I could think of. Because I can’t save anything, I can’t remove any of the devices (cameras / server) to delete the app.
Did you manage to get out of this? I notice there are other members who also experienced this, but I can’t find any suggestions of how to resolve this.
Anyone else have a suggestion please?
Edit: I found the issue. The Alexa integration was preventing the app from being uninstalled. After uninstalling and re-installing the app, I managed to configure it.
Regarding the Smartthings Mode integration - previously (in the old app) I used a BI profile in more than one of the Smartthings modes. It says in the setup instructions that a BI profile may only be used once. (Never noticed a similar warning in the old version of the app) Is this still true? If so, that is an issue for me because I have 7 ST modes but only 4 BI profiles (and from what I remember, it is quite a tedious business setting up a profile in BI, as one has to go to each of the cameras to configure the mode.
It was added to the notes because error checking was added sometime since your last update. If you have more than one mode tied to a BI profile, the error checking may or may not think there is an issue. You can keep doing what you’re doing and just turn off notifications for errors if you want. It’ll work fine, it’s just the error checking part. You’re right on adding profiles, but since you’d be making copies of existing profiles you can use the copy paste function in Blue Iris. It still isn’t simple, but saves a lot of work.
I’m glad you figured out your install issue. I saw the first message but didn’t have the minute to reply. It does get sticky when a lot of other smart apps are using he camera devices. Just like physical devices, you have to remove those smart app connections before you can remove the device.
I think that should answer it for you, lemme know if you have any other issues.
This is exactly the same error I got. If you have make use of the Alexa skill, make sure you remove any BI Fusion devices from there. It appears that the Alexa skill now automatically add any new device which gets added to the Smartthings mobile app, to it.
I have a suspicion that there was an issue between Smartthings and Alexa yesterday. At some stage, all Smartthings items were reporting an “offline” status and I was unable to add new devices to Alexa. Maybe the same issue was causing your problem?
Are you still getting the error? Also, are the changes still working? That error is that it shouldn’t take more than 5 seconds or so to execute, but if it’s taking 9 seconds there could just be some temporary bonus latency in your network/computer and everything else could be fine
I’m trying to delete the blue iris fusion smart app and restart from scratch but I am currently unable to. When I try to delete from the app I get “An Unexpected error occurred”. When I try to delete it form the IDE, I get “This SmartApp can’t be deleted at this time because it is installed by one or more users”.
Logs say: error physicalgraph.exception.ConflictException: Device still in use. Remove from any SmartApps or Dashboards, then try again @line 493 (doCall)
You have to Unassociate all smartapps from each camera device and server device before you can uninstall the BI Fusion app, just like you have to unassociate smartapps from physical devices before you can remove them.
BI Fusion is the parent app for all those camera and server devices, so when you remove it, it removes the devices too. Once you remove them from any other apps (like webCoRE, ActionTiles, etc), then go into BI Fusion and just click the remove button on the very bottom.
Also, out of curiosity, why are you trying to remove it and start from scratch? Seems like there has to be a better way to accomplish whatever you’re working on, maybe I can help? Or is there a better app you’re switching to that I should check out?
@JMC, I managed to setup BI cameras and got a few triggers working as well (e.g. when the gate contact sensor opens, the cameras looking at the gate and driveway immediately start recording.)
I have created a profile I called “Alarm” (Profile No 5) in BI which turns continuous recording on. The idea is to be able to set all cameras to record (irrespective of whether a camera detects motion) if my alarm goes off. I make use of Alarmserver to control my DSC alarm via Smartthings.
I thought I would be able to use webCore and your app to change the profile, but can’t seem to get it working.
I tried doing this in webCore (Test Switch will be replaced by the Alarm triigger (switch) once I have this working):
Hey sorry for the delay. The issue is you’re trying to set the profile using the camera device, when you need to set it via the server device. You can trigger camera’s individually (or move to preset positions like you have set up here), but for Blue Iris changes like profile, you need to use the server device.
Here’s a Screenshot of the webcore setup to add an action that sets the profile. Just add a parameter, like in the image, where the number entered is the number of the Blue Iris Profile (using 0 for inactive).
Lemme know if you still have trouble. Also, I like your idea! I just trigger my cameras when the alarm goes off, but then I only get my 20-second clip or whatever. I could make a new profile on Blue Iris where they all record like you have set up, and then when the alarm goes off use this to switch profiles and have them all record all the time. Pretty cool.
I have a couple of routines that do not change the SmartThings mode, but I’d like them to be able to switch the BI profile. Is that possible? I don’t see any actions in the routine creation that would do that.
Thank, it works!
I could not get BI Fusion to sync the BI profiles when using the local connection option and for that reason did not enable BI Fusion’s BI Server which only works over local connection. I have now figured out that the reason for this, is this setting in BI:
I know your instructions indicated that this setting should be unchecked, but I thought that referred to a previous version, which did not have the “Non-LAN only” option. Once I have unchecked “Use secure session keys and login page”,
But is that not a bug? My understanding is that with this option unchecked, anyone can access the BI Server and cameras from outside the LAN? Should the correct option not be the “Non-LAN only” connection and should BI Fusion not work with that option?
Apart from this concern, using the BI Server device in webCore works great for changing profiles! I have setup the temporary profile change time for the “Alarm” profile in BI to 10 minutes and set the piston up like this:
So when the alarm goes off, the BI profile is temporarily changed to the “Alarm” profile.
If one is able to extract the current BI profile with webCore, I suppose another way of doing this would be (when the alarm goes off) to save the current profile to a variable, change the BI profile to the Alarm profile and when the Alarm is disarmed, use webCore to change the BI Profile to the profile saved to the variable. I’m still playing around with this option.
OR even easier, if one use the BI Fusion Sync to Smartthings: One could use the syncBIprofileToSmarthThings (note the typo in your DTH) to return BI to the sync the BI profile back to what it should be according to whatever the active Smartthings mode is after a wait time of x minutes.
This is now working really fantastic and opens up so many new options as far as security integration and alarm & security camera management is concerned. Once again, many thanks for your efforts in this regard.
I’ll appreciate your comments regarding the security concern though.
Would you mind explaining what the purpose of the “initializeServer” is ?
It is not a bug, nor it is just form the older versions, the only thing that changed is the wording and location of the setting in Blue Iris itself. The note in the directions explains it, I reposted it below. The http protocol the hub uses to talk to your server isn’t compatible with session keys, at least not without a lot of rework for this app (I’m not sure it is even possible). But as the note explains, as long as your hub and server are on the same network (e.g. your home network), and you have that network secured, then there is nothing to worry about. You also need to make sure you use a secure connection if you use your phone or something to login to Blue Iris when outside your home network (like a VPN or HTTPS connection). The hub to server interface is a purely local execution, it is not sending that data out of your local network. Bottom line, as long as your network is secure, the level of security to login to Blue Iris is extra.
That’s all different if you use a external connection method in BI Fusion (where the commands to the Blue Iris server come from the SmartThings cloud instead of directly from the hub). If you do that, then you definitely should keep that setting checked, but as of now, it’ll prevent you from using the server device, which is required to make profile changes from webcore). I think it’s possible to make the server device work over an external connection, but again, that’d be a lot of reprogramming that I just don’t have time for right now, but would be nice to add for sure.
Also, with it unchecked, not anyone can simply access blue iris. First they’d have to get through your network security, then they’d still have to login to Blue Iris with your username and password, it just using a lower level of security for that login than it would if it were checked.
Whoops, thanks for point it out.
Short answer: don’t use it.
Long answer: It’s an unintended consequence of opening the device up to webcore. In developing, parent apps use defined commands to interface with child devices (in this case BI Fusion to talk to its Server device). Those are also how other devices talk to each other and other smartapps to talk to devices. The initializeServer server command is how BI Fusion settings are used to create the Server Device, so that you don’t have to enter log in settings in both the app and every device (there is also and initializeCamera command in the camera devices). So it is necissary for the whole system to work, but would be better left hidden from Webcore so that folks don’t accidentally use it for something and likely make the server stop working (although hitting the refresh button in the server device’s page in the SmartThings app reruns the initialize command and would immediately fix it again).
Hope this all helps! lemme know if you come up with anything else. I’m happy to help! This is by far the biggest app system I’ve developed and want to keep it relevant and useful!
I don’t know anything about network security. I’m not sure if I pass that test. I have a port forwarded to BI on my router and I suspect that with that setting deselected, my network is now open?
The functionality of BI Fusion is more important to me than having the ability to access the BI server from outside of my network and I’ll, therefore, remove the forwarded port.
I have noticed that it is much easier to trigger a camera via the BI Server Device because it is not necessary to set up the individual cameras.
Something else to take note of is that when using the BI Server device to trigger a camera, this item should be checked:
Regardless of that setting, if you port forward you should secure it as much as possible. I have a couple tutorials on using either HTTPS or a VPN to secure the connection beyond that increased security from Blue iris. But if you use it checked, you should be good for the port-forward with nothing else set up. Obviously that won’t work with the BI Fusion integration right now though… so you’d have to do something else.
I can post the VPN and HTTPs how-tos I have somewhere, they aren’t all pretty, but should work as a how too. HTTPs is easy and free, VPN can be easy too, depending on the router you have at home.
A question actually too, I can’t remember this and my setup is a bit weird so it’d be better to have you troubleshoot this: If you leave the box checked, and have the “require from” drop-down set to “non-LAN only,” does it work? I’m pretty sure BI fusion won’t work anymore, but it’s worth double checking.
Lastly, on the Alerts tab image you posted, I could have out-dated instructions regarding “External.” I found you can get stuck in a loop because smartthings triggering a camera is an external one, so the camera would be triggered by smartthings, send the alert, and that motion alert would tell smartthings to trigger the camera, and it’d be stuck in the loop of making itself think there is motion and triggering recording. So I’d be interested in what you’ve found. I have “Also re-triggers” checked, but none of the 4 boxes below it, and I’m not positive what that all means anymore.