September 8, 2016, 10:07pm
@Navat604 , I have no problem in powering the fob permanently with a separate charger as well, assuming I can get an output matching the battery in the fob. Would you mind sharing custom device handler used for timing control?
This device handler is only for Aeon z-wave micro and plug so I don’t think it will work with other brand. Here is the post on it and it’s at the very bottom.
Also just to clarify: I like mesh networks. In fact, I really like mesh networks. They are an elegant and efficient way to solve a lot of problems. Great resilience, very low cost in both dollars and energy. I care a lot about stuff like that.
To me, the inability to force a sequence is just the price you pay for all the other good stuff. It doesn’t bug me–I just add a star network for anything that needs greater throughput or forced sequencing or very precise scheduling.
So I use zwave/zigbee for what it’s good for, and WiFi/point-to-point for when I need it.
I don’t favor one over the other, I just try to match the topology to the use case.
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