I have created a custom capability smartthings capabilities:create -i capability.json
Now I want to add a presentation capability, I’m using smartthings capabilities:presentation:create -i capability.presentation.json
Which result in: {"code":"4030000","message":"No permission to update standard capabilities","details":[]}}
Which is strange as I’m only trying to add a presentation to my custom capability
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
In some cases I’ve noticed that if the name of the custom cap is identical to a standard cap it throws this error (even though they have different namespaces)
If ID and version are not specified, the CLI show a list where it can be selected.
Of course if I specify them in the CLI, I got the same permission denied. smartthings capabilities:presentation:create stormachieve25639.mainsVoltage 1 -i EdgeLinky/capabilities/mains-voltage.presentation.json
Error: Request failed with status code 403: {"requestId":"21E24F8D-B932-48A1-9968-CC53AA 0A7543","error":{"code":"4030000","message":"No permission to update standard capabilities","details":[]}}
Now I get, which leave me clueless: Error: Request failed with status code 500: {"requestId":"7D9B7A4F-19DB-4F89-BA35-72D964 F84E55","error":{"code":"5000000","message":"Use bracket notion ['my prop'] if your property contains blank characters. position: 11","details":[]}}
If any/all of those things were wrong with his configuration, why doesn’t the error message reflect anything close to that? Instead he gets “no permission to update standard capabilities”?
Error: Request failed with status code 422: {"requestId":"47749145-97B3-4120-AFE8-35FD9D 9944D9","error":{"code":"4000000","message":"must not be blank at detailView[].numberField.command","details":[]}}
I’ll check for more info about that so we can clarify this in the docs.
In the case of the “slider” display type, I can tell you that, if we don’t define a command, it means it is read-only as well. You can see how the slider changes in its design, instead of using a “dot” we can move, it shows a “position indicator”. See the sample below: