FYI, In the past 3 years, I have built the ScheduleTstatZones & ecobeeSetZoneWithSchedule smartapps which allow you to create zones inside your home for more targeted heating/cooling.
In the latest version that I’ve just released (v7.9.9a), I modified the above smartapps to be able to control more effectively any portable coolers/heaters, split/window units based on My HvacUnit or the remotec DTHs. For example, the smartapps can determine the best fan speed based on the max temp differential allowed for the zone(s).
For more details on My Flair HvacUnit, refer to:
In the ScheduleTstatZones & ecobeeSetZonesWithSchedule smartapps, you can configure your rooms/zones/schedules. You then associate your zone/room thermostats to your zones and schedule your zones during the day.
In your home, you don’t always want to heat/cool all your rooms. In the evenings or at night for instance, you may want to direct more heat to your bedrooms.
The smartapps let you choose a master thermostat which controls other slave (zone/room) thermostats in terms of mode and setpoints. The thermostats need to follow the ST standard capabilities.
You can also define enter some delta temp adjustments to make some specific zoned rooms cooler or hotter. You can also use your room’s motion sensor to take into account if the room is occupied or not. The occupied threshold can be defined on a room by room basis for more flexibility.
There are many other features, refer to the ST community wiki for more details:
And the following ST community thread:
You can download the code at my store.