New Alexa Skill Not Discovering Devices After Migration

The larger one that is never discovered is a UN55NU6900FXZA, live in USA.

Even if you can’t PM other members yet, you can tag them with the @ in your post and they will be notified.

@lars , for example, Will be tagged because of this post and hopefully can help with your issue. :sunglasses:

@Lars Hi there, I hope you are well.
I am also having a lot of trouble discovering my Samsung smartthings hub using Alexa.
I am new to the community and I am not able to PM you.
I have reinstalled both Alexa and Smartthings app and tried putting them both into the 2.4GHz network etc.
Please could you help? I am not sure if I should be putting my email address here.
Thanks for your help in advance.

The smartthings hub itself does not show up as a device in the Alexa app. The integration is actually cloud to cloud between your Amazon account and your smartthings account.

Zigbee and Z wave devices which are connected to your smartthings hub will show up in the Alexa app after the integration is enabled.

So if you were waiting for your hub to show up, it never will. But if you have devices connected to that hub which are not showing up, that’s a different issue.

( and you were right to not put your email address in the forum. You can put it in a private message once you are able to use those.)

Yep, I understand.
I have Nest Thermostat on Smartthings at the moment.
Although I have enabled the smartthings skills on Alexa and linked the account, I cannot see my Nest thermostat in the Alexa app.

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@hknick PM:ed you

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I’m betting Nest isn’t exposed to Alexa via SmartThings. Isn’t there a native Nest Alexa skill?

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@Lars would greatly appreciate any help resolving the discovery issue with Alexa. Not sure how to pm you my Samsung email address?

@Lars can you look into my account and fix this? Samsung Sp7 added to smart things app and works but cannot be recognised by Alexa. Seems to be an account issue out of my control?

I’ve noticed that Alexa is no longer able to discover my Hue lights exposed through Smart Things. I’m unsure when this started happening. Only the Hue lights are not coming through. All of my other devices coming from Smart Things appear correct in the Alexa app (thus it’s not the traditional account-level problem). I have the Hue cloud service connected to both Smart Things and Alexa. To deal with the duplication previously, I suffixed the lights differently in the Hue app vs the ST app. So in Alexa I would see, for example “Living Room 1 -ST” and “Living Room 1 -Hue”. While the duplication was slightly annoying, I was able to easily identify the device origins and created all of my Alexa routines based on the Smart Things versions.

Now, I only see the “ -Hue” version of the Hue lights in my Alexa app. I’ve tried disabling/re-enabling the Smart Things skill with no effect. Also, hoping that maybe Alexa is now smart enough to recognize duplicates, I disabled the Hue skill, then rediscovered, with the result simply being that all of my Hue devices were shown in error (the “-ST” version of the Hue lights did not reappear).

Lastly, I changed the device type for one of the missing Hue bulbs in the ST IDE, saved and rediscovered, but that only served to make it stop working in the Smart Things app.

Honestly, it’s not a huge problem as I can simply recreate my Alexa routines using the “-Hue” versions of the bulbs. But I would like to know if this change represents a new, expected behavior or a bug / error, so I can build around any system constraints.

I would appreciate any thoughts / guidance. Thanks!

Hello Community,

Also, have the device discovery issue (see below).

We are implementing Alexa skill with custom endpoint, we created a custom DiscoverDevices intent, and we send the following json for a request, everything seems to be according to the specification, however, Alexa still not able to find/see any devices.

Does anyone know how to use the Smart Home model without Lambdas or if that model cannot be used without Lambda then maybe there is another way to do it, but without using the Lambdas?

Thank you.

I have to ask if this is related to SmartThings or simply a Amazon Alexa related question. This forum is set up to assist users with the SmartThings platform. If your question is only in regards to using Skills in Alexa… you should reach out to Amazon for support. If you do have an ST related question… you may wish to create a new thread as it doesn’t exactly fit in this thread for the official Alexa Skill integration with ST. Your image shows Development of a Skill.

Hello @Lars .
I know this is an old post but I just noticed I started having this issue as well.I can’t PM because I just recreated my forum account. Maybe was deactivated from lack of use?
Anyway, any help is greatly appreciated!