There are some power company rebates on programmable and wifi thermostats.
Home Depot has the forms on the web page for the Nest thermostat.
Under the price on the right side there is a (subtle) link that says something like “Plus, up to $50 in Rebates”
The Nest Thermostat is $199, but some rebate amounts are:
Xcel Colorado is $50. Detroit is $50. Tweksbury, MA is $100.
You can enter your zip code and download the local form. It doesn’t look like you have to buy from Home Depot and additional thermostats are often listed.
For example the Xcel form has rebates for Nest (2nd and 3rd Gen), ecobee and Honeywell.
The “Mass Save” rebate is $100 for Wifi or $25 for programmable.
Those rebates have been around for 5 years. Depending on our local utility they are $25 programmable / $50 wifi/ networked or $50 programmable / $100 for wifi/networked . Yes they are good regardless of where you bought them, limit of 2 rebates per utility account per year. If you use local Oil or Propane company you are pretty much out of luck
In case your utility company is not providing any rebates, you may look at 3rd party generation companies. However, don’t forget to compare their generation charges with your utility company. In my case NRG is offering a free nest thermostat for a 15 month contract, however their generation charges are higher than my utility company and would cost me $20-$25 more per month so not worth for me.
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