I am setting some tiles as standardTiles and labelling them based on preferences input. I am using standardTile versus valueTile due to issues in iOS rendering and I want the alignment that comes with a standardTile. Here’s an example of the code for one tile:
I do not want to hard code any label in the code. The labels are defined in the preferences in the handler - ie, they are set-up by the user so they can be different for each device that uses the handler.
(ActionTiles.com co-founder Terry @ActionTiles; GitHub: @cosmicpuppy)
I think I understand, Nez.
The problem is that you have found a “workaround” to a hard limitation in DTHs, and that workaround is pretty … limited.
As far as I know, the only _variable _values permitted for label: are $currentValue and $name.
It’s pretty limited because Tiles are a part of the the DTH definition … they are not a part of the code.
What I was hoping is that there’s something else I can do like force a ‘refresh’ (as an example) as a manual refresh does what I want.
I came across the following thread but I can’t translate it in my head for my needs … The following is something very different but along the lines of what I’m trying to do. In this case they are trying to update a tile based on an action on another tile. In my case I am wanting to update all tiles when any are tapped. But I realize I may just be trying to do something that’s not possible.
I tried to do this for weeks and gave up. It can’t be done how you want it to. The only option is to give the users a list of possible options as your preference and then based on that list (which you know the possible values) use a big If then statement to call the right label.
I could just use valueTile of course as it solves my labelling problem but I think the rendering is a bit crappy. I was really hoping to find a workaround on this as otherwise I have a really cool looking Minimote simulator (again, want to give credit to @kyse as I used his framework).