Since the vacation app went away (why?) from Smart Apps it would be really cool and helpful if one of our many gurus could write a new one! Is this still possible or has functionality been removed somehow? Something built in to SmartThings unlike CoRe. I could really use this feature and it seems like a natural fit to a “smart” system!!!
I installed ERS’s version 18 12-06. It ran, but I think there’s an interference with “Smart Lighting.” Smart Lighting turns things on at hour X, off at your Y. When ERS’s Vacation Lighting would tell something to turn it, it would turn right back on. It would be nice to be able to run both of them, with Vacation Lighting having priority when it is running.
Within SmartThings. there is no concept of SmartApp Priority. Most users us MODE to effectively disable a SmartApp and enable another SmartApp. This prevents conflict between multiple SmartApps trying to control the same Devices.
Thank you. At first, I did not see the Smart Lighting mode switch, but found it – it is separate for each light, which come to think off it is a good thing. Turned those to home only, set Vacation Lighting to away mode, and they now seen compatible.