My initial thoughts of SmartThings (Coming from Vera 3)

Just to be clear, you are transitioning the “z-wave devices” not the “z-wave config”. I.e. if you have specific programming (scenes) on your Vera, these will NOT come across. As such you will need to reconfigure these on the SmartThings either via the dashboard, or via the IDE (especially if you want macro like functionality). SmartThings uses a different language, these are now called Phrases and are tied to modes. Thus you would call the “Goodbye” phrase to transition from the “Home” to “Away” modes. You would create additional modes (Movie night, home alone), and create additional phrases to transition from one mode to another. The phrases are the action sequences that you want performed, while the mode is the state you want your system in.

It’s a good idea to document any customizations that you have done, or scenes you have configured in your Vera to assist with the “family-acceptance-factor” as we’ve been calling it. If your family is used to things working a particular way, you will need to re-program your SmartThings to do the same.

Key apps to look at once you are over is DoubleTap, ActiON Dashboard, SmartAlarm and a few others depending on your level of integration. Within the SmartThings App (i.e. Dashboard), you will want to set up presence, and alerts appropriate to each family member.

Hope that helps. It takes a few weeks to get out of Vera land and adjust, so be patient, and as I’ve said before, unlike the Vera world, you’ve got great support here directly from SmartThings so feel free to e-mail them any questions. Don’t be a guy… and pretend you are not lost when you are! It’s ok to ask for help.
