Motion Sensor Placement for better coverage

It depends on the vintage also for the ST sensors. I have a “older” 2015 motion sensor that’s in my kitchen on a cabinet facing the kitchen and living room. It picks up motion from the first step coming off our stairs across the living room (20 feet) and then turns on a light over the sink. One day it died so I changed the battery but I used the wrong one and not knowing that I thought it was really dead so I bought a new one. The new SmartThings motion sensor was awful, I had to be within 5 feet for it to pick up. After talking to support they said it was because the new one is better at motion that comes across it (side to side) while the old one would pick up pretty much everything (twords, away, side to side, etc) and where I had it mounted you walk off the steps and twords it. They recommended remounting it on the ceiling but then it wouldn’t pick up what we were trying to do in the living room.

Long story short after searching the forums I found that the battery I used wasn’t making good contact so I took the one form the “new” motion and put it in the old one and it came back to life. The “new” one is sitting in a box in my basement now.

So if you have “new” ST sensors keep that in mind, they sense motion going across them much better then coming at them.

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