Hey guys,
I’m starting to collect my pieces to buld my home automation.
So far the only unanswered question I have:
Is it yet possible to use your family’s phones as presence sensors without allowing account sharing?
I know I could purchase presence sensors, but hear the battery life of those is not great, and does not guarantee they will always have the presence sensors on them. This is my logic for using the mobile phones.
(Bernie H)
December 26, 2016, 6:37pm
I believe this can be done with Life 360 and IFTTT if I remember correctly.
As @celblazer mentioned, many community members do this with life 360, which is an official integration, and actually doesn’t require IFTTT.
Or you can use IFTTT. Or a couple of other options.
These are all discussed in the presence FAQ (this is a clickable link)
Presence, regardless of the device you use, is one of those features that works great for some people, not at all for other people, and is randomly flaky for still others.
It’s very much affected by local conditions. So some people will find that phone presence works much better than the SmartThings-branded presence sensor. Other people will find the reverse. Still other people, myself included, find that they have to use a combination of two devices in order to get reliable presence indication.
So if this feature tends to work differently for different people, where do you start?
1. Using a Smart Phone as a Presence Indicator
Well, since most people who have SmartThings have a smart phone, it’s worth starting there.
This method has changed significantly in the change fro…
Thank you guys, I’ll look over the available options and go from there.
Thanks again for such a fast reply!
(Bernie H)
December 26, 2016, 7:23pm
Thanks for correcting my mistake, good to know it integrates directly.
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