Mirror temperature sensor to virtual device

You can use my.smartthings advanced rules.

Instructions are here:

Add only action when you add rule using my.smartthings advanced rules

Change your Device IDs to json and paste json

            "every": {
                "interval": {
                    "value": {
                        "integer": 5
                    "unit": "Minute"
			  "actions": [
						"command": {
						  "devices": [
						  "commands": [
							  "component": "main",
							  "capability": "partyvoice23922.vtempset",
							  "command": "setvTemp",
							  "arguments": [
								  "device": {
									"devices": [
									"component": "main",
									"capability": "temperatureMeasurement",
									"attribute": "temperature"
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thanks how do I enable the new rule, as it is in not active status after the creation and I cannot turn active

I do not know. All my rules are enabled and not possible to disable.

my_smartthings_com-advanced Rules Rules API  Rule Enabled

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