Matter Device Support - ST platform

As of the time of this posting, it can’t, because those are actually two different device classes.

A “matter controller” Can bring matter compatible devices in to its own app. Again, at the time of this writing, the smartthings V2 hub, V3 hub, smartthings station, and the Aeotec hub are all matter controllers. (The Philips hue hub is not.)

A “matter bridge” can join the app for a matter controller, and bring with it some of the devices attached to it, which would not otherwise be able to be used with matter. That’s what the Philips hue hub is: a Matter bridge. But smartthings does not yet offer any matter bridge.

So, at present, smartthings supports matter one way in.

Philips hue supports matter one way out.

This is just a decision that each manufacturer has made.

If you’d like to read more about how matter works with SmartThings, see the following community FAQ.

FAQ: What do I need to add a Matter device to the SmartThings app? Do I need a bridge router device?

And if you’d like to see the discussion about matter in general, see the following thread:

Matter - smart home connectivity standard (formerly Project CHIP)