Lowe's Iris Sensors (New CentraLite models)

But where is that dth? That snippet of code is not in the one in the public library that I linked to above, which is why I brought it up. I’ve seen it in @mitchp code but not in the public one. So I guess my point then becomes what is the point of the public one and is the actual code available somewhere?

not sure, that may be an older version of the dth. I’ve never actually pulled anything from the github… I get mine from the IDE.

How do you get it from the IDE? The only thing you can see code for in there is from a custom handler, unless I’m doing something wrong…

@jackchi, @Zach_Varberg - you’ve have updated the public handler I linked above most frequently and recently. Can you comment on this at all? Is the tempOffset somehow being used via the zigbee library? Or is the one here just out of sync with the one that smartthings pushes? (They aren’t necessarily the same are they?)

I will take a look at this first thing tomorrow, and get back to you.

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@doncaruana You are right. When I was cleaning up a bunch of the DTHs to remove unnecessary code as a part of this commit I failed to account for the tempOffset. I will fix it and it should be released in the next week or two.

If you want this working now you can add the following lines to a self published version:

else if (map.name == "temperature") {
    if (tempOffset) {
        map.value = (int) map.value + (int) tempOffset
    map.descriptionText = temperatureScale == 'C' ? '{{ device.displayName }} was {{ value }}°C' : '{{ device.displayName }} was {{ value }}°F'
    map.translatable = true

as the else clause to the

