@ Lowes - Arlo VMS3130 1 Camera Kit $104.99 after coupon

$119.99 Arlo VMS3130 1 Camera Kit at many Lowes.
Regularly 179.99
$104.99 after Lowes $15 coupon

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Here’s a link to the actual product being discussed instead of a referral link to TCB. :thinking:

Note that it’s not the superior Arlo Pro kit - it’s the original which has slow motion detecting issues.



Thanks for adding the link. I didn’t add one because not all store have it for $119.99
The link you provided takes me to my local store where the price is $179.99

5% from TopCashBack end today

Good price but inferior camera. I have purchased the Arlo and Arlo Pro systems and returned both due to poor battery life/performance.