Has anyone come across a smart deadbolt that uses a key or keypad on the inside of the door? We have a window next to the front door that could be broken and used to manually access the inside door knob. I’ve always used a deadbolt that has key access on the inside. I’ve not been able to find a smart deadbolt that does not have a simple unlocking knob on the inside. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.
(ActionTiles.com co-founder Terry @ActionTiles; GitHub: @cosmicpuppy)
I’ve only heard / seen these in Asia-Pacific.
They aren’t allowed in North America because they are a fire code violation.
Actually I’ve not had trouble finding deadbolts with inside key access at Home Depot or online. I do keep the key close and available but out of reach of the window.
They are a violation of safety code for most residential buildings in the US. The reason you can find them at Home Depot is because they are still OK for offices and commercial buildings.
Fire safety code now requires that in buildings where people sleep you be able to get through an exit door without requiring “special knowledge” (that includes a pin code) or a separate device (and that includes keys).
What many people do who have a lock near a window is to simply put a box over the top of the lock that has to be unclipped from the far side to open. It still meets code, but it makes it impossible to reach for someone just sticking an arm through the window. Or, of course, put a safety screen on the window.
Just FYI, the terms that describe these two types of deadbolts are single-cylinder (key on outside, thumb turn on inside) and double-cylinder (key on inside and outside).