Litter Robot Connect

Any new updates on this?

The Android version of the app is finally available for download in the Google Play Store. I have no idea how long it has been available. I don’t have an iPhone, so today I finally was able to install my Connect upgrade on the robot and the app had no problem adding/installing the robot.

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Can not believe I learn this here and not them who I email ALOT.

Thanks for posting.

Right? I signed up months ago to be notified once the app was available and haven’t received anything yet. And there’s no mention of this anywhere on the internet. The only thing that made me look in the play store was a recent post from them saying they were still on schedule for an early fall release. Maybe I just happened to find it right before they officially announce.

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The form is still there… sign up today… oh… wait… :slight_smile:

Seriously, no word from Litter-Robot about this?

Given how expensive these things are you’d think they’d go above-and-beyond to support existing owners by making sure we’re kept in the loop. You don’t cold-sell an expensive gadget like this. You depend on customer referrals. Leaving us in the dark is not the way to build trust. This is true for any vendor, not just this one.

Anyone getting notifications from the app? Nothing from mine.

Not yet, but I didn’t have it turned on for “cycle complete”. But so far, the remote control works. The History works, and the drawer gauge is working.

They’ve been very good with customer service and warranty when I had an issue. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they aren’t ready to officially announce yet. Based on the app ratings, it looks like they may have released the app around October 4th. Based on one comment, it sounds like the plan is to officially release at the begining of November.

Update: According to the Play Store, the app was released on Oct 2nd.

Same here but had cycle turned on but got no notifications.

I also just did that and it did not notify me when the cycle completed.

Dud you see the join beta from the app store?

I noticed it was showing the wrong overnight time ranges. Don’t know if it was a timezone issue or not. I’d set it yesterday using the iPad app to 11pm to 7am. When I brought up the app on my Samsung S7 it said 2am as the starting time (I didn’t note the end time). I’m on EDT (GMT-4) so that shouldn’t have been it. That is, not unless the app doesn’t read from the settings and falls back to the default, which I think is 10pm. Which would correlate to the 2am setting. I have yet to re-check it on IOS.

I started getting notifications this morning.

Can anyone post the Android apk? Lists unavailable for my device through the play store.

Are you able to select the option to be a beta tester? I orginally was able to install the app with my s9, but soon after, the Play Store was telling me the app wasn’t compatible. However, the beta testing version had no restriction. I suspect they may have listed all devices incompatible to prevent users from installing the app and assuming it was live.

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I contacted litter robot and they apparently were in the process of pushing an update to make it officially live. Closed the play store, reopened and was able to download it. Thank you.

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In case anyone’s still working on this, I’ve also done a fair bit of reversing of the protocol / apps to see how this works. I think that you can control the robot directly over UDP port 2000, but I’m yet to figure out how to do that. @ydant @Collisionc

Has anyone managed to discover the command we can send to the LitterRobot to reset the Drawer meter? Specifically, the command that’s sent when you tap the meter in the app to reset the drawer full indicator.

So I created my very first SmartApp for my Litter-Robot based off of all of the information in this thread and wanted to share it with anyone who wants to connect their LR to SmartThings. After integrating with the github repository and installing/publishing the SmartApp, make sure you edit the SmartApp settings to input the apiKey. As far as I know, “Gmdfw5Cq3F3Mk6xvvO0inHATJeoDv6C3KfwfOuh0” (without the quotes) should work for everyone at the moment, but I’ve only had my account to test. The repository is below:

Litter Robot Manager Free SmartThings integration for Litter-Robot

Please feel free to enhance or offer feedback, bug reports, questions, etc.