I’ve noticed that after the last update to the hub, the Lights & Switches category in the app (android) keeps showing “Some lights are on” all the time, including when all lights are verified off in the app. I have logged off, wiped the app data, and logged back on with no change in status.
@tyler there you go! Another case for you… I have been facing this last few days on iOS 8. But it worked fine for me today. Last night I removed everything from that’s section and added it back.
OK, so I just removed everything from that section but can’t figure how to add them back under that same section since it now disappeared! Any ideas?!?
Problem I have is that there is no Lights & Switches section anymore so I can’t get to the auto import switches and lights! I’ll wipe the data and start over.
From dashboard click + sign, actions, lighting, add shortcuts for lights or switches… As far as I remember this will create the lights and switches tiie. Thereafter you will get the option to add new ones or import existing ones. Let me know if this helps.
Thanks again. That also fixed the constant “Some lights are on” message. It was driving me crazy seeing the message when I know that all lights were off. I can now sleep better!
I too am having the same issue with “Some lights are on” status when no lights are on. I’ve been going back and forth with support and they said it was a known issue that they were working on. The status isn’t the only thing that’s been bugging out. When I change icons for some light switches, they’re correct in “Lights & Switches” but not in my grouped “Things.” I guess I’ll have to wait for a fix to be released.
I have at least 11 switches and lights that report the wrong state and show nothing in the log for recent activity. I have really delayed response from some of my switches that used to work perfectly? In fact, my entire Christmas lighting plan does not work this year because of these problems. It worked great last year…bummer.
I believe it is the hub firmware causing my issues, too.
Slightly off topic.Today my Doors and Locks on the dashboard was showing incorrect status. It was closed but showing up as open. Checked the IDE as well as under Things and it was actually closed. Deleted the Front Door from Doors and Locks section and re-added it and its now showing the right status. Go figure…