Hello all,
I’ve been doing some research over the last couple of weeks and still can’t find the answer to my query.
Currently in my house I have a large amount of hue bulbs which are brilliant but it means that they can’t be controlled via a normal light switch. Now whilst most of the time this is fine there are still times when I want to be able to control them in the traditional sense at the light switch.
Now I don’t really want to use the stick on hue light switches or equivalants as I think they look rubbish and want to keep a normal looking light switch.
So what I’ve found online is the Aeotec or Fibaro modules which you wire behind the light switch and they can control the current going to the light. Now whilst these work fine for non smart light bulbs they obviously don’t work with hue lights as hue needs power to be kept on permanently.
Now what I’m wondering is on either of the aeotec or fibaro modules is it possible to set them so current to the bulb is permanently on and the switch becomes a state in SmartThings. So if it changes SmartThings knows to turn the hue bulbs on or off.
Does this make sense and is it possible?