January 17, 2015, 11:52pm
Continuing the discussion from LFM-20 not playing nice with wall button :
Hi everyone,
I’m just starting to configure my SmartThings set up. One of the first projects is the garage and I already hit a roadblock.
I have a LiftMaster 3255 that has a white/red type of connection with the wall switch. The connection is the “quick connection” type of deal, press a tab and squeeze the cable inside. I plugged the LFM-20 in parallel, in no particular order (blue to red and blue to white). When I press the button in the Evolve twice the garage door opener opens and twice again to close. That works fine.
But, that bridges the in wall button that somehow, stopped working. And that’s a dealbreaker.
I haven’t paired it yet, would that resolve the issue?
Also on pairing, I’m not being successful in pairing the relay from the garage (distance is to high) and when I do it close to the hub doesn’t work either. Is it correct to assume that the blue cables need to be hooked to the garage door opener to be able to pair it successfully?
If this has no solution, is there any other device that can help me be successful?
Thanks in advance,
Continuing the discussion from LFM-20 not playing nice with wall button :
I have a Linear FS20Z-1 which is very similar to the LFM-20 hooked up to my LifeMaster and it works fine. Here is how I set it up:
Since the relay needs 110 power, I decided to install it in the ceiling using the same power going to my opener.
I pulled out the single junction box and replaced it with a double gang and put the original outlet back and the Linear beside it.
I disconnected opener wire from the LiftMaster and then twisted those two wires to the Linear’s blue wires.
I used an extra piece of telephone wire I had laying around and twisted a pair of those wires to the blue wires and then capped them.
I then hooked up the other end of the telephone wire to the opener.
In my case both the Linear relay and my original wall switch work to open the garage. I hope this helps your situation.
Continuing the discussion from LFM-20 not working with door switch :
I figured out what was happening. This relay switch has a on and a off mode. When the switch is on, the door switch doesnt get any power (I am assuming) so the door switch doesnt work. When the LFM-20 turns off the door switch shows power.
When I added the switch to my ST Hub, something went wrong and the switch wont go in the off position. I removed the device and re-paired. Nothing was wrong with the switch or the wiring. Thanks for your help and hope this thread serves as a solution for someone who gets stuck!
January 18, 2015, 12:05am
Open to suggestions on this one. More wall switch issues.
I have my FS20Z-1 configured and controlling the garage door.
The system operates fine with one issue, the Wall Switch is a Liftmaster digital display (Model 398LM) that shows time/temp/motion etc and this display gets reset each time I open the door with ST Apps. I use this liftmaster switch as my clock for the garage so this is kind of a pain.
I checked in to make sure the FS20Z-1 is configured as Z-Wave Virtual Momentary Contact Switch
My other issue is that it does not seem that there is an interrupt mode. Sometimes I press the remote button by mistake and it looks like I just have to wait for the door to go all the way up before I can tell it to close. Using the wall switch I can do this at any point, I guess this could be a delay issue.