Legacy virtual switches stopped working (July 2023)

Mine were using custom DTHs. They didn’t get deleted, they just don’t work. And they weren’t migrated to anything new.

So if you open the app it looks like everything should be fine, but the routines that subscribed to state changes for these devices, or which changed the state of these devices, just don’t run.

Minefield. :bomb::bomb::scream::bomb::bomb:


Hi, if that was going to happen, it would have been definitely announced, so, this is something the team will investigate.

Can those that have issues with these devices provide support access to their accounts, please?

  1. Confirm the email account registered in the forum is the same one you use for SmartThings. If not, please share it with me over DM
  2. Enable support access to your account:
  1. Go to the SmartThings Web (my.smartthings.com)
  2. Log in to your Samsung Account
  3. Select Menu (⋮) and choose Settings
  4. Toggle on Account Data Access
  5. Select the time period and confirm - In this step, please select “Until turned off”, once the team finishes, we’ll let you know so you can disable it again

Note: if you have more than one location, please let us know the name of the one where the virtual devices used to be. IF they still appear but don’t work, please, share some of their names.

Some of the ones I see: @farlicimo, @art_333, @rda2w, @georgeh.

  1. Yes, the email is the same.
  2. Access granted.
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Thanks for looking into this. Account email is the same and I have enabled account access for 1 week as I didn’t feel comfortable leaving open ended. Note probably by tomorrow I may move to start replacing all of these unless remediated. These non functional virtual switches are having an enormous impact on my home since they are tied into STHM and room specific overrides.

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I also granted access for 1 week, as I’m in a similar situation as @farlicimo with presence and STHM integration.

I have many virtual devices which are completely gone, but are listed in the legacy/stale IDE. I started recreating a handful of new virtual devices — I went ahead and appended their names with “(new-delete)” if the original virtual devices are able to be recovered or migrated.

Some of the virtual devices which did migrate don’t seem to actually work (cannot toggle states).

Thanks for looking into this.

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Access granted for one week


I spent the morning redoing all of my virtual switches (some of them were still in my app, while others were just randomly deleted). As I previously said, it sucked to spend time doing work that the Smartthings team should have done themselves

However, one bug that remains is that STHM does not save any responses to alarms being triggered. I try to set certain lights and switches to be turned (both virtual switches and real ones), but when I save and back out of the Security page and then go back in, they are not saved. Which pretty much makes STHM 100% useless ATM

That sounds a lot like the issue I had around STHM security sending SMS. For a while I could save and it just got erased and then it wouldn’t even let me save. I reported to Support and a release or two later it got fixed. So I’d report that. This was on Android.

  1. Confirmed
  2. Done

I also had some virtual switches disappear and some migrate. The migrated ones do not work, I get a server error. I recreated some out of necessity, but would hope they could be restored. I have enabled support access to my account, same email as the forum

  1. Email is the same for the account
  2. Support access is enabled.

Many of the virtual switches created via the legacy IDE are missing. None of the current virtual switches are active/work.

Thank you.

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Same issue here.
No virtual switches are working and some are missing.

Support access granted


Just another data point- I had about 8 virtual switches that were deleted and removed (which I noticed because of the red icon on my routines). When going in to edit the routines, it didn’t have/list the name of the switch, so I’m not even sure what switches I’m missing now. I didn’t think to check the ide before deleting them and saving my routines.

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Sorry you had to be the Canary in the coal mine, but it’s a good warning to have shared. I noticed it yesterday with several automations and routines that have multiple deleted switches in them and was struggling with how I was going to figure out what they were.

This really is such a complete mess. My house is half dead because virtual switch usage was so rampant due to the big step down from webcore logic vs ST automations. At least when I had to create new ones, I used a community edge driver, but I found I had to rely far more on the pre-existing ones in my automations that I ever had to before.

access granted

One virtual device still exist, two are missing.

@nayelyz is there any update? Not trying to rush things, but if it’s going to be a while (eg into next week) then I need to get moving on rebuilding this all. I suspect will take me several hours so didn’t want to get half way down the path to find it was on its way to being restored.

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I lost several of mine. I recreated them using EDGE virtual switches. Fine. But I also had several switches fall offline, and several more show as being online but are unresponsive. This is all since the very recent update. What did you guys do???

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Yes. e-mail is the same.
Account access granted.
They vanished from my CA Home location (there were none in the other location).
I’ve already re-created them in the API Browser+, and they are currently working fine.

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Fyi I replaced a few of the broken/missing virtual switches with new cloud ones from the new advanced UI and then edited a few routines to replace the broken/missing switches. That went fine and I am pretty sure they were working, but I noticed today none of my routines are completing. They show ran but some actions failed. So I went in to edit one and the app just spins trying to bring it up. I can see it in the advanced UI but can’t edit anything , which I think is just a current limitation of the tool. Most of my routines have virtual switches in them so unclear at this point if routines have broken also or if just ones with virtual switches. Meaningfully for me its the the same since I think I have them in all of them. This is all REALLY frustrating.

EDIT: I tried to get them to come up for about half an hour and then almost immediately after I posted this they came back. So hopefully just an errant cloud hitch or something and its unrelated.

I’m having issues today with the iOS App also. Last night I recreated all my virtual switches using TAustin’s Drivers and repaired all the broken Scenes and Automations and everything was working great. Today I’m unable to edit names in the mobile app. I can do it in the Advanced Web App but the changes do not show up in the mobile app.

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