(April Wong)
March 2, 2015, 2:54am
Hey, I changed your title to Kidde, I think that’s what you’re actually referring to. Here are some posts regarding their integrations with the Kidde, but different models. If you search Kidde or actual model numbers, your results might yield differently:
I solved this last night.
I used the exact same setup: Smoke Alarm Relay Accessory kit , RS100HC . What I added was a AC power supply into the mix.
It was a small 3V supply that came with some small LED lighting.
I took both the supply AND the RS100HC out of their cases, desoldered the battery terminals, and soldered the power supply wires directly to the RS100HC.
After plenty of electrical tape as insulation I stuff the entire package into the same ceiling box as an existing smoke alarm. It is important to use choose a smoke alarm is at the END of the chain, otherwise there are too many AC wires in the way. The end chain smoke alarm will have only 1 AC wire entering the junction box, vs two (or more).
This makes it possible; otherwise there will most likely not be enough room.
Definitely an option. I do prefer the hard-wired power method of the MIMO rather than the battery replacement on the RS100HC .
Also how about making ST treat the MIMO or RS100HC as a Smoke Detector and not a door contact? When I look at the dashboard I want it to show up in the Damage and Danger section. Like This