No one can write a DTH for a device which doesn’t fit into one of the following categories:
One) it is certified to one of the third-party protocols that SmartThings uses: Z wave or zigbee ZHA
it has an open API, which means the manufacturer has published the instructions for how to communicate with it, the exact messages to send. For example, Phillips hue has done this for their hue bridge, which is why there are so many hue integrations.
it has an official IFTTT service/channel. For example, the GE smart air-conditioner has this.
it has a closed API, but someone has been able to hack it and publish what the exact messages are that are required. This has been done for several thermostats. (However, a lock which has a hackable API it’s failing in its most basic function – – you won’t see many of them.)
it has an official integration with SmartThings where both companies have worked together to create an integration which preserves the required security and privacy features.
The Kevo plus falls into none of the above. It’s not the only device that is a “none of the above”: the Frigidaire smart air-conditioner, the Kuna smart security light, and the Canary camera are all popular devices that cannot be integrated with SmartThings at the present time. It’s good to request the integration through the thread provided for that purpose:
That’s the best way of getting devices added to that fifth category, official integration. But for now we’re just stuck.