Invoke REST API when Motion detected

Hello @DJX,

Glad to hear that, excellent job!

I would recommend to start looking forward and create a SmartApp using the SDKs available on SmartThings Github. The sample below is based on the smartapp-sdk-nodejs and the configuration helps you to:

  1. Select a motion sensor (you can also change it to be able to select more than one)
  2. Create the subscriptions for the “active” and “inactive” states of the motion sensor
  3. Make a request to an external REST API, on the “active” subscription handler you can find an example (in this case, using Axios)
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const SmartApp = require('@smartthings/smartapp');
const axios = require('axios');
const server = express();


const app = new SmartApp()

/* Handles lifecycle events from SmartThings */'/', async (req, res) => {
   app.handleHttpCallback(req, res);

/* Defines the SmartApp */
app.enableEventLogging()  // Log and pretty-print all lifecycle events and responses
   .configureI18n()      // Use files from locales directory for configuration page localization
   .page('mainPage', (context, page, configData) => {
       page.section('sensors', section => {
   .updated(async (context, updateData) => {
       await context.api.subscriptions.unsubscribeAll();
       return Promise.all([
           context.api.subscriptions.subscribeToDevices(context.config.sensor, 'motionSensor', '', 'motionActiveEventHandler'),
           context.api.subscriptions.subscribeToDevices(context.config.sensor, 'motionSensor', 'motion.inactive', 'motionInactiveEventHandler')
   .subscribedEventHandler('motionActiveEventHandler', async (context, deviceEvent) => {
       let httpget=await axios.get('http://...');
   .subscribedEventHandler('motionInactiveEventHandler', (context, deviceEvent) => {
       //Add some actions

/* Starts the server */
let port = process.env.PORT;

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