Have this same exact issue. Not sure if it is because i had the devices already attached to smart life accounts outside of Globe Life. Don’t think it’s the issue, but going to try deleting them from smart life completely and add into separate Globe Life account.
I tried removing them from Smart Life and added them to Tuya Smart, but again it showed up blank through Tuya. Going to also try the same and add my plugs to Globe Suite and integrating on ST again.
I have the same problem which also started with lights going offline and my attempts to fix it took everything down. I did start my own thread yesterday (see below). One thinks it is ST and another GS. Puts me off the whole idea of this cloud to cloud thing.
I am attempting to integrate some tuya light switches into ST. one suggestion through the threads was going via globe suite, and while I have added the devices into Globe suite fine … in my ST device list I can’t see Globe Suite as an Option under the device or brand list. Am I missing a device handler or something?
See my thread. Globe Suite have pulled the integration even though it was working great, with claims it was a accidentally made live (apparently not for the first time). The have said it will be live again “near” January.
Thanks, @Flakie99 guess I’ll hold out for a bit and see what unfolds. … or find a completely different path like HA and flashed firmware.
Thanks, I thought I was losing my mind. Couldn’t find globe. Let’s hope they are back soon.
I have been using Smart Life app to set up a simple automation (open on sunrise and close at sunset) of my WiFi curtain switch. Also I had set up Google Assistance to control via voice. Have been working great since 1 year.
Now I bought ST hub v3. I wish to move the automation to ST app so I can make this action happen when I am at home location. Looks like the switch can’t be connected to the hub at the moment coz the Global… app disappeared.
Isn’t there a way to do this?
Google Assistant asked me the auth of Smart Life app and it can control it. Why can’t SmartThings control the switch via Smart Life?
Globe Suite integration has been removed temporarily. There were some issues with it. The guys at Globe Suite working on it. Be patient for another few weeks/month.
Sure. If it’s that obvious/certain to come up I shall wait.
However my question is also about online integration of all the platforms which can connect using Google and Alexa and cannot connect with smart things app.
If googles cloud can connect to the cloud of that platform why can’t smart things cloud connect to it??
I am just a few days old with Samsung smart things I hope my question is not too silly
Every company creates their own integrations and different ones are more efficient. Smartthings is not known for particularly “Snappy“ cloud to cloud integrations. It also has an ongoing issue with stuff timing out which results in device is being marked off-line when they are not. so it’s not surprising that one company’s cloud integration might work better than another’s, although I know it’s very frustrating.
Globe Suite was working great for me until the new SmartThings update. Now the devices keep going offline.
So i just bought this switch from AVATTO on Aliexpress. It works within the Smart Life app but when I try connect to Smartthings through IFTTT, the switch keeps turn on/off over and over again. This happened with the Smart Life -> Smartthings applets only so I assumed it’s Smart Life server part.
Then I contacted the manufacturer and they said tuya has stop cooperation with IFTTT since the end of 2019. Can anyone confirm this?
I have one Smartlife plug that was integrated to Smartthings using IFTTT and I can confirm that it has been unusable for the past couple of weeks. It keeps turning on and off on it’s own with now rhyme or reason.
My SmartLife plugs were set up to sync both ways with a simulated switch in ST using IFTTT but they developed a life of their own a couple of weeks ago. I only control them through ST, so I disabled the SmartLife->ST applets and they have been working fine since then. Not a promising sign if Tuya has stopped providing official support to IFTTT though.
Multiple people reporting this issue as new last week:
Will this affect the Globe Suite integration if it’s back online?
I’m also having the SmartThings -> IFTTT -> Smart Life problem. All switches turn on every 60 minutes and then 30 minutes later turn off. Started early last week.
Had to remove all IFTTT integrations and switched over to Alexa as the man in the middle, which is actually working quicker than IFTTT. I followed the instructed to make Simulated Alexa Switch/Contact Sensor by bjpierron on GitHub.
Same here but I still have one problem. I don’t know how to sync the Tuya bulbs with ST if a bulb is turned ON/OFF from the Smart Life (Tuya) App. Was able to do it through IFTTT but I don’t know how to do that with Alexa only. Anyone? Thanks!
Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a “great” solution for this because Alexa can’t trigger routine on a switch change, only a sensor, which the physical Smart Life switch is not. I did come up with a “working” solution, however.
This is only a problem if the switch is turned off by by any means other than through SmartThings… eg. Smart Life app, google asst., Alexa, or physically being flipped, resulting in the the Smartthings virtual Alexa sensor/switch and the actual switch being out of sync. For me, the only time this was causing a real problem was when the switch was then supposed to be triggered to turn ON from a motion sensor. Alexa would never see a change in the virtual contact sensor because it was already set to ON/Open.
My solution was to send “turn off” command in my Webcore rules every time preceding a “turn on” command. This way, the Smartthings virtual alexa contact sensor gets toggled to off if it was stuck in the on state before sending the on/open command to Alexa. After this happens, they will be resynced in Smartthings.
I was initially worried that if the light switch was already on and Alexa received an off/on command that it would would flicker the light, but these commands must happen quickly enough that there is no flicker, at least for my setup.