Hi everyone!
I am facing issue while using the Install Device API mentioned here: API | SmartThings Developers
This is the curl POST request:
curl --location ‘https://api.smartthings.com/v1/devices’
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer 8dd20bef-809d-4a5d-aaba-7c69b1c0ad8c’
–data ‘{
“locationId”: “ef1556d0-1da2-4eb2-b785-f316d47fcd9f”,
“app”: {
“profileId”: “3d0e8456-d0e2-4939-9c2b-b9f3b97bb657”,
“installedAppId”: “978f54f4-f65f-42a7-ac99-5dc461f7cd6c”
“label”: “shubham_bulb”
I am getting 403: Forbidden error when I hit this. PAT used here have all the necessary permissions. I can access all other APIs using the same token.
profile id refers to the Device Profile created on the developer portal
installed application id refers to the deployed application on the same portal.
Can anyone help what is the issue? I am facing issue only in this API.