October 9, 2018, 9:48am
I don’t know if this is the right place to post this or not, but I’m trying to work out what devices we have device handlers for so far.
For the wireless dimmer:
we have this:
Hello All,
As I wrote the original handler a long time ago I have now reviewed it and simplified it quite a lot. The dimmer will now work in more or less the same way as when paired directly with an IKEA bulb.
Quick turns clockwise/anticlockwise turn the level to 0 or 100 straight away
Slow turns adjust the brightness gradually. The change in brightness happens after you stop turning the dimmer, just the way it has to work for now.
After I add this device handler SmartThings detects my dimmer every time and it works perfectly for me.
In the posts above some people have not been able to pair correctly for some reason, I would be useful if one of these people can try the new handler and report back if it now works for them, and if not I need to know what entries they get in the log du…
Device handler on post 64
For the Remote Control (5 button):
we have this thread:
Purchased an IKEA tunable white bulb packaged with a 5 button switch. Have paired both with the ST hub. Got the bulb to work very easily, couldn’t find a DH for the button though. Figured this was my cue to wade into programming for ST. Did some reading, muddled through the documentation and community posts. “Borrowed” a4refillpad code for the Xiaomi Zigbee Button to try and view the messages sent to the hub.
Here is the code I’m using
metadata {
definition (name: “Tradfri Button Test”, namespace: “jamiethegoalie”, author: “jamiethegoalie”) {
capability “Battery”
capability “Button”
capability “Holdable Button”
capability “Actuator”
capability “Switch”
capability “Momentary”
capability “Configuration”
capability “Sensor”
capability “Refresh”
attribute "lastPres…
but no working DH and some confusion about what the thread is for…
For the bulb E27 600 lumen (Colour and white spectrum grey/white)
we have this thread:
Hi all.
Straight to the point: here you will find a Device Handler for the new IKEA Tradfri RGB Bulbs.
And now the details:
Standard ZLL / ZigBee RGB Bulb DHs do not work with IKEA Tradfri RGB Bulbs
After some ZigBee analyzing, I found out these bulbs are not using the “Hue/Saturation” Color cluster commands, but the “Color XY” commands
I have not been able to make the bulbs show Cyan, and Green is quite yellowish. All the rest is fine. Looks to be a limitation in the bulb gamut, as the same happens with the remote without ST: anyway I will be happy to fix it if it is an error in my color conversion (currently using “sRGB” colorspace to “CIE xy” conversion matrixes, plus gamma correction)
Just new to ST & Groo…
With the DH in post 1.
The standard dimmable and colour temperature changeable bulbs work with the standard device handlers (well, they do for me at least… anyone else had problems?)
ZLL Dimmer Bulb and ZigBee White Color Temperature Bulb respectively.
Any other devices with a working handler that i’ve missed? or any updates on what i’ve included in this post?