I went in to the api to create a virtual switch and there was not a way to add a device. Did the api change to not allow us to create a virtual switch now?
When you say “the API”, so you mean the IDE? Or the REST API? Or the API browser +?
The IDE is part of the old architecture and is going away. So lots of functions there have already been removed. See:
Life after the IDE: Questions and Answers
The REST API is part of the new architecture, and as far as I know is working.
The API Browser + is a community-created project that gives you most of the functionality that was in the old IDE, but for the new architecture. You can ask questions about it in the author thread:
SmartThings API Browser+ ... Now Available to All
Which URL are you using where you see the change?
I’m using this link. https://graph.api.smartthings.com/
Ok, that’s the IDE. So you are correct, you can no longer create virtual devices there. You have to use one of the new architecture options instead.
Read this:
FAQ: Creating Virtual Devices with the new architecture (Without the IDE) (2023)
Great thanks for the help. I got it installed now.