Bit of an odd automation that I’m looking to achieve, but bear with me…
I’ve got a bathroom full of Philips Hue light strip and a few lamps. We operate this room via a normal On/Off switch from outside the bathroom and I have the lamps set to ‘remember last state’ in the Hue app to achieve the ‘normal’ day to day lighting required in the bathroom.
I made an automation that said that
If bathroom entrance light state is ‘ON’
then Play Sonos in bathroom
Now, the trouble is, this doesn’t work. It seems that ‘powering up’ the lamp is NOT the same as ‘turning it on’ in an app (essentially changing the dim level to anything above 0…)
I’ve tried leaving the lamps on, and using an app to turn the lights in the bathroom on, and the Sonos plays. Perfect.
But I want to achieve this by actually power-cycling the lights involved, and the automation doesn’t seem to do this (or rather the limitation of how it sees a lamp being 'on).
How about leaving the Hue lights powered on all the time, and then using a Hue compatible Switch, like one of the following, to control the lights?
I would pair these devices directly to the Hue bridge, to ensure fast local control of the bulbs at all times, regardless of whether or not ST is working properly (i.e. still works when the internet is down to increase WAF.)
Thanks for the reply ogiewon - maybe replacing the wall switch (UK here) would be the best way to go.
I could leave the lights on all the time (which we do in some rooms as they’re fully automated with sunset / sunrise etc) and I just use a couple of those Hue dimmers placed in convenient locations.
But the bathroom is a bit different. The other thing to consider in the bathroom is the fan - and the over-run on the fan! But I guess this could be achieved by changing the physical switch to a smart switch (so people still feel as if they’re turning the light on and off) and then I’d need to trigger the extractor fan with perhaps an automation and a sonoff device.
I actually automate my bathrooms via motion sensors and smart dimmer switches. Lights come on instantly as we break the plane of the doorway, and stay on as long as motion stays active. The lights automatically turn off after ~5 minutes of inactivity. My exhaust fan is wired to a separate smart switch, which is controlled by another motion sensor in the shower.
We honestly rarely have to touch a wall-mounted switch these days. I have motion sensors and contact sensors throughout the house to trigger lighting automations in hallways, closets, laundry room, bathrooms, kitchen, garage, etc…
Yeah I think I’ll just bite the bullet and make bathroom automated too. I know what you mean about rarely touching a wall mounted switch though - most rooms are fully auto here!
The UK is a whole separate issue. Safety codes there are very specific as to which lights can be automated and which cannot. So it gets very complicated.
(In addition, are you aware that regularly cutting the power to smart bulbs can significantly reduce their working life, thus making expensive bulbs that much more expensive? That’s why Phillips recommends they always remain on power.)
Anyway, you’re fine if you add one of the switches That is not powered by the Mains and leave the original switches in place. And your automation should work from those…