Hubitat - is it time to migrate?

Since I’m 99.9% webCoRE, I’m wondering if ST Automations/Scenes can be created on a PC, maybe in IDE, or is it only done in the ST app?

Only in the ST Mobile App, to the best of my knowledge.

Automations/Scenes can only be created in the app. Warning - there is currently a limit of 200. IDE is going away as well when groovy is shut down.

check out Rules API

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I’ll check it out… Thanks!! So the Rules API will still be hosted when ST shuts down everything else?

Also… if I were to start thinking about Hubitat… can a Z-wave device that is on a ST hub be on a Hubitat hub at the same time?

a z-wave device can only be connected to one hub but there is software that allows you to share devices between ST and Hubitat… at least until Groovy is shut down.


Yes, it is part of the new architecture.

Thanks @JDRoberts . I’m in the middle of reading your write up Getting Started With Rules API.

I didn’t see where the more complex automations are, only the simple if this then that type thing. I’m looking around in the ST app, ( +) (add) (Automation) (IF) (THEN).

For instance If time is between 5:00 AM AND sunrise… Looks like I can do sunrise and sunset, but not the mix of specific time and variable time, sunrise…

@blake.arnold @Brad_ST
This is a prominent request

I am the OP. A quick update about me: I wrote s/w for a living and now manage an IT team of over 300 and mostly into design and architecture of systems which if fails will result in losses upward of USD 1 billion! So yes I am very conversant.
I spent a week and slightly more using Hubitat. Native support I am really liking. If someone has never done programming the learning curve to write complex code is there but I feel its worth it.
I am really disliking SmartThings. As and when they pull out support for groovy and the IDE I am 100% certain what they’ll offer will be pretty buggy (initially) and seriously lacking in capabilities. This is what they have always done, i.e. pull out something which they are no more able to control or manage. I had tons of pistons and expecting D-day started migrating them to automation/scenes. Automation/scenes can’t hold a candle even when it comes to comparing with Webcore pistons. Effectively a lot of complex automation I had carefully created I am slowly having to let them die.
They have off and on hardware issues. Their sync with devices have gone from bad to worse when it comes to syncing with cloud.
Mind you - SmartThings still rock and exactly why i jumped in and also because of the rich community. But of late - Samsung’s high handed attitude and they are mirroring Apple philosophy here - its either my (Samsung) way or the highway is what’s bothering me. Its as if instead of maturing and bringing in flexibility they are tightning and closing out on 3rd party generated stuff.
Frankly I believe its a wake up call. Also as and when they do roll-out and it becomes mainstream their Rule based API model then what they have to offer will be exactly same what Hubitat has in terms of complexity.
I believe the only challenge now are the darn Zigbee devices since each need to physically de-paired and then re-paied with Hubitat, which is a real pain.

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That’s not mine. Because I now depend on text to speech, I don’t do anything with code or scripting type languages these days.

There are a number of staff members and community members posting in the rules API section of this forum. :sunglasses: I’m not sure who wrote the original FAQ there other than that it was a staff member (which I am not, I’m just another customer).

You make an unsubstantiated claim and he asks you for data to back that claim up, and you call him a troll?


ACTUALLY… i said dont be one.

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