Hub as Primary, Fibaro HC2 as Secondary: Has Anyone Tried This?

Good day All,

I have a Smartthings hub v2 and a Fibaro HC2 (as well as a vera). I am curious if anyone is running a hub and HC2 together.

I am thinking of Running my Smarthtings as primary and my HC2 as slave (currently its the other way around). The reason I am thinking of switching is because my Alexa and Google home can only see 4 devices (tied directly to the Hub) from my Hub, and nothing from the fibaro.

My question would be to those if any doing this:

1: How does the HC2 work in slave mode (any major delays or or other issues)?
2: Currently when my Hub network goes out I cant control the 4 devices on my Hub (not that my network goes down often) but I can still control my HC2 since I am at home on the LAN. Can the HC2 still control the devices if the hub is down?

Just a though if no one has it, i guess I could give it a go.

Did you anyhow joined those two (fibaro and smartthings) to work together please?

hi and hello! any luck? how do you add a fibaro hc to smartthings?