How can I use switch capability?

I want use the switch capability.


  1. Added swtich capability at Device profile
  2. Implemented refreshResponse.json
    { "myDevice": { "externalDeviceId": "myDevice", "states": [ { "component": "main", "capability": "st.healthCheck", "attribute": "healthStatus", "value": "online" }, { "component": "main", "capability": "st.switch", "attribute": "switch", "value": "on" } } }

but, It is not working.

what is my mistake?

Hi, there! You’re using the ST Schema integration, right?
This can be due to the device presentation unless you receive an Interaction Result, are you?
In the Developer Workspace, you can go to the “UI Display” tab and download the file of the presentation to check the configuration (if the switch capability was included correctly, etc.). For example: