How can I set only one door sensor to activate at a set time?

No, he’s referring to the app, but there are a lot of steps to get to the screen he’s referring to.

Before we get to that though, there are three different kinds of notifications that you can get, so the answer to your question will depend on which notification you mean.

  1. SmartThings Home Monitor standard notifications. These are the ones that you get when you arm the smartthings home monitor (STHM) feature. For this category you select a list of sensors that you want to get STHM alerts for. It starts out assuming you want all of them, but there is a way in the app to remove some of the sensors from that list, which is what @Automated_House was referring to. More on that later. But the main problem with this category is that there’s only one list for each mode.

  2. SmartThings Home Monitor Custom alerts. This was a very useful feature in the classic app which let you set additional STHM notifications, but based on custom rules, like just one particular sensor. This was finally shut down in January 2023 when the Groovy hosting cloud was discontinued.

  3. all other notifications. You can get various kinds of push notifications from other Automations, and those can be set on a Sensor by Sensor basis, or any set of sensors you want. But you can’t dismiss them through the STHM feature. You just get the notification. There is some custom code which gives you even more variations like the option to get text notifications or to have the notifications repeat. Some of the answers you’ve gotten, like the ones from @rboy , are referring to this category. SharpTools California is a popular third-party option which works with the 2023 architecture. There’s a lot you can do with smartthings custom code in addition to the STHM feature. :sunglasses:.

Ok, back to that app screen.

A) Start on the main screen for the app. If STHM shows up there, then click on the little arrow next to it to take you to its screen. (If STHM doesn’t show up there, you have to go into the three horizontal line menu icon in the upper left, then Choose smart apps, then choose STHM)

B) on the STHM screen, choose the little gear icon in the upper right to take you to its settings.

Now we come to a whole set of really poorly designed screens, because you are not going to know where you are supposed to click. So just be patient and look at the examples. :thinking: also any time the word “done“ is at the top right of the screen, use that to leave the screen if nothing else automatically moves you on.

C) First select the name of the security.mode you want to work with. That opens up a new screen.

D) Then select the name of the sensor group where you want to make individual selections. This will open up a setting screen for that group. But don’t click on the toggle, click on the name of the group in order to get to the next detail screen. :thinking:

E) now you will see a toggle that says “use all sensors“. You have to change that toggle to off. And then click the name of the sensor group (not the toggle) and it will take you to the list of the individual sensors.

F) and finally you will get to a list of individual sensors, and you can pick the specific ones you want. Make sure you click done at the top right when you are finished.

And I’m sorry, I know all that is both confusing and tedious, it’s just the way they designed it. :rage: