How can I change the minimum dimmer presentation for my Edge driver from 0 to 1?

It is very simple, in English, to say what I want to do (it’s captured in the Subject line).
Unfortunately, it is a little(?) harder to tell it to SmartThings (it’s in this whole thread and “condensed” below).
Let’s see how hard it is to say to SmartThings …

I don’t ever want to change which capabilities are displayed.
I don’t want to change how any of them are displayed except that I want 1 to be the minimum dimmer value.
Correct me if I am wrong but …

smartthings devices:presentation -y $device_id > presentation/dimmer-devices-presentation.yaml

…, for a targeted dimmer $device_id, seems to be the way to answer which.
Unfortunately, it only answers the question right now and cannot anticipate how the question might be answered when SmartThings decides better/differently.
What happens then?
Do I need to monitor and revisit this?

Use this to get the structure and edit it for content.

cp presentation/dimmer{-devices-presentation,}.yaml
vi presentation/dimmer.yaml

At the trunk, remove everything but the dashboard, detailView and automation branches.
At the tips of the remaining branches, remove everything but

 - component: main
   capability: *
   version: 1

For all the capability: switchLevel tips, add

  - key: level.value
      - 1
      - 100
    step: 1

All told …

    - component: main
      capability: switch
      version: 1
    - component: main
      capability: switch
      version: 1
  - component: main
    capability: switch
    version: 1
  - component: main
    capability: switchLevel
    version: 1
      - key: level.value
          - 1
          - 100
        step: 1
    - component: main
      capability: switch
      version: 1
    - component: main
      capability: switchLevel
      version: 1
        - key: level.value
            - 1
            - 100
          step: 1
    - component: main
      capability: switch
      version: 1
    - component: main
      capability: switchLevel
      version: 1
        - key: level.value
            - 1
            - 100
          step: 1

Use this for creating …

smartthings presentation:device-config:create -i presentation/dimmer.yaml > presentation/dimmer-presentation-device-config.yaml

… and consuming a tiny bit that needs to be appended to the dimmer profile

(echo metadata:; head -2 presentation/dimmer-presentation-device-config.yaml | sed 's/^/  /') >> profiles/dimmer.yaml

Apparently, the vid: UUID in the dimmer profile now references a resource in the SmartThings cloud that the SmartThings App knows how to get and use.
I hope there is some garbage collection going on because I have created a lot of such resources in my flailing but am only referencing the last one.

It works!
That wasn’t too hard to say … or was it?

Now, will this statement break when the presentation that it was based on (today’s) changes tomorrow?
What needs to be done?