Homekit and SmartThings: The Latest Discussion

I’ve been using Beecon+ as a beacon receiving station app for a few months. I really like it. (Most of the voice sexiness is baked into HomeKit, but they use it well, and their IBeacon management is top notch.)

Most other app designers, including Insteon and Lutron, tried to make their watch apps visual, which has its place, but the BeaconSandwich guys really got that most home automation watch interactions are likely to be quick voice. But you’ll need a different watch app to view a camera feed.

Beecon+ works well with SmartThings as well, using the IFTTT Maker channel as a go between. It’s what I use for geofencing so I can limit one detection area to the length of my front door wheelchair ramp.

The main issue with heavy beacon use is always the battery drain on the receiving station device. But I’m really happy with my setup now.

Detailed discussion of IBeacon use with SmartThings in the following topic:

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