Holy Moly - has SmartThings come a long way

Welcome! :sunglasses:

You’ve gotten some great pointers already, so I’ll just call out 4resources you might find of interest.

  1. Welcome letter for those with a strong technical background:


  1. Brief FAQ on using custom code in SmartThings, including the terminology used:

The process is pretty straightforward, basically you copy the author’s code and paste it into your own account,

  1. So now where do you find the code to copy? There’s a lot of great stuff in the forums, but to be honest, the search sucks. :disappointed_relieved: So check out the quick browse lists in the community – created wiki. That includes both code and project reports.


  1. And finally, while you should find the project reports inspiring and interesting, and the Device Type handlers useful, here’s the reason why you may not need much if any of the custom code for smartapps anymore: webcore is essentially a scripting language for SmartThings. Very powerful, and has done most of the heavy lifting for you. Great for stacked conditionals “If This, then that–unless…”

Have fun! :sunglasses: