Starting when my phone app updated on Dec 18, 2024, the temperature now moves by 0.2°F. If I set it to 65.0°F, it will adjust in the app to 65.2°F. I am assuming that this is the swing from the thermostat (0.25°F and 0.2°F with rounding). I only have options on the KonoZW (KN-ZW-WH1-B04) (default Z-wave Thermostat driver) to set to whole numbers and a swing adjustable from 0.25 to 1.00°F on the thermostat. I have not changed the swing to see if this is what is moving the setpoint. Any thoughts on this?
Having a similar issue. .6 for me on my pearl thermostats… Weird as all hell.
They are ZigBee so…
The latest mobile app caused this, probably along with an edge driver update. There’s another post on this issue. I have the Zigbee version of your thermostat and I’m observing the same display issue.
Just tap on the setpoint number and you’ll be able to adjust in whole numbers.
Tagging @nayelyz, just in case.
Nah it reverts to .6 for me. For example if I set to 70 via tapping, it quickly reverts to 69.6.
Since the latest updates to the iOS and Android Apps, the introduction of the thermostatHeatingSetpoint and thermostatCoolingSetpoint capabilities does not allow temperature changes other than multiples of the interval (step) defined in the profile, by default 1°, starting at the lower temperature limit defined in the profile. Before it did allow it.
The problem is that the temperature range is in °C and when it is converted to °F it will normally have decimals.
For location in °C there’s not decimals problem
The base-thermostat profile of the zwave driver has a range of 4°c to 28°c. Others profiles can have different range
which in °F is 39.2°F to 82.4°F.
- id: thermostatHeatingSetpoint
version: 1
- key: "heatingSetpoint.value"
range: [ 4, 28 ]
On this profile, the app will now only accept values from 39.2°F to 82.2°F, with 1° interval (39.2, 40.2, 41.2, …, 57.2, 58.2, …, 82.2), although the thermostat may have the temperature set without decimals, if you set it with a routine or on the thermostat instead of the app.
If they don’t fix it, a workaround might be to set a 0.1° interval although it may be more cumbersome
For the CT100 thermostat, which should be exclusive to the USA, a profile specific has been created with decimals in °C so that it does not have decimals in °F
- id: thermostatHeatingSetpoint
version: 1
- key: "heatingSetpoint.value"
range: [ 1.6, 33.3 ]
Well, that answers that. Either wait for the update, just deal with it, or write/find a different driver. Thanks @Mariano_Colmenarejo
I am having similar issue… my Trane Z-wave thermostats are bonkers since the last app update.
I don’t think it was immediate, but there were several times I’d see “downloading” on the thermostat devices when I’d open the ST app and now when I click on a thermostat to go into the detail it shows the room temperature and heating set point properly for like 2 seconds. Then the set temperature will increase by 0.2 F and then if will go to 0 and a message displays out of range.
It doesn’t change the actual set point on the thermostat but I am unable to make changes to the temperature setting. THANKFULLY, the routines I use to set temperatures seem to work properly.
I’m hoping to see an app update/fix soon
This is happening with Ecobee cloud->cloud integration as well.
Yes, It is a problem with the implementation in the App of the presentation of the capabilities, specifically with the temperature range and the interval (step) and that is common for all the devices in the platform that use them.
Mariano, can you post a link to this driver or explain how to do the workaround? Thanks.
I have 8 RCS Z-Wave thermostats and can no longer set the heating set point on any of them as “.2” is added to the value and returns an “out of range” error. Strangely, the cooling set points are sent as “.0” and work perfectly. What is a work-around for the Heat, as right now it cannot be controlled remotely?
Not really a complete workaround, but I have some routines that adjust the temperature based on time and those function properly. Not so convenient for ad hoc changes But could be done.
I have a case open with ST support but going around in circles with it. I just want the prior app version back………it worked.
This is the link to my shared channel
Only base-thermostat
profile was modified to intervals of 0.1°, that used by CT100 and some others thermostat
I can manage my thermostats in SmartThings again! Thanks, Mariano!
.2 degrees is added to any value for my heating setpoint. My thermostat sees it as 2 degrees and reports an out-of-range error. My cooling set points work.
Support had me download an older version of ST (1.8.21) and my heating setpoints work once again. This is the link they sent me to access all of the old versions:
Support wrote up a ticket and said they would get back to me soon with a fixed new version.
If anyone from Samsung is listening - PLEASE exercise care in making changes like this, particularly when they related to thermostats. I (and presumably others) have a lot of automation set up to prevent houses from freezing, etc. so impacting thermostat functionality is a really big deal.
Thanks so much for posting this @Mariano_Colmenarejo - my thermostats are all working again!
Those older version they pointed you to are only for Android, right?
I’ve had tickets open for over a week begging for the old iOS version , or a fix. Response has been totally unacceptable. 24 hours and I get a “we received your request” , and pls send us “yada yada yada”
I’m getting dizzy going in circles.
The lack of support on something they broke quite easily , and a forum member has pointed out the problem is mystifying.
Yes, the link to the old versions are for my Android. They must be installed using an APK package installer outside of the Play Store. I am not sure if Apple allows something like