I may be onto the TrendNET/Hikvision Size issue. I have found a low res snapshot URL. If you have a second and want to take a look at it. Im available anytime if you are. Below is the Live Logging IDE not sure what im looking for here. GET/POST produce the same result.
3e151316-3a1c-4777-8a28-4cb3fd120615 8:33:55 PM: debug GET /live-video-frame.dyn?u=&p=************&device={localhost:60554-Media%20Source%5C001}&ts=1452306387476 HTTP/1.1
Accept: /
User-Agent: Linux UPnP/1.0 SmartThings
3e151316-3a1c-4777-8a28-4cb3fd120615 8:33:55 PM: debug The method is GET
3e151316-3a1c-4777-8a28-4cb3fd120615 8:33:55 PM: debug The Header is [HOST:]
3e151316-3a1c-4777-8a28-4cb3fd120615 8:33:55 PM: debug Uses which method: GET
3e151316-3a1c-4777-8a28-4cb3fd120615 8:33:55 PM: debug Requires Auth: false
3e151316-3a1c-4777-8a28-4cb3fd120615 8:33:55 PM: debug path is: /live-video-frame.dyn?u=&p=************&device={localhost:60554-Media%20Source%5C001}&ts=1452306387476
3e151316-3a1c-4777-8a28-4cb3fd120615 8:33:55 PM: debug The device id configured is: C0A8A862:1FF5
3e151316-3a1c-4777-8a28-4cb3fd120615 8:33:55 PM: debug 1ff5
3e151316-3a1c-4777-8a28-4cb3fd120615 8:33:55 PM: debug IP address entered is and the converted hex code is c0a8a862